Place: Station Records - Pajingo Station, via Charters Towers, 4820


Pajingo Station was taken over by the partnership of Black and Paul on 1 August 1901, and remains in the hands of the Black family to the present. This collection of records dates from 1898 when Adam Black managed Kynuna station in the McKinlay district, prior to his taking up Pajingo. The records have been kept primarily by Adam Black, who died in 1935. The original records are held by Mr Peter Black of Pajingo station; it is planned to make copies for the Delamothe Collection of North Queensland History, James Cook University.

Diaries, 1901-1935, inclusive, chiefly entries of daily station activities. A number of the volumes are frail, notably 1902, 1904, 1914, 1915.

Letterbook, Kynuna Station, August 1898-December 1898, 1 vol., pages are frail, some sections indistinct; includes diagrams and sketches, financial notes and lists.

Letter book, February 1921-September 1922, 1 vol., indexed, some letters indistinct; includes financial details, list of employees, etc.

Ledger, December 1901-ca.June 1910, 1 vol.

Cash book, August 1901-December 1919, 1 vol.

Notebook, with miscellaneous entries, including horse brandings and pedigrees, general memos, business notes, income tax figures and estimates, record of investments including business: Bartlams Ltd, Charters Towers, and mining: Kangaroo Hills and other ventures, also newspaper extracts and a typescript profit and loss account inserted, 1 vol., frail.

Memo, Postmaster Generals' Department, Brisbane, to J.D. Houghton, Mail Contractor, 4 December 1907, advising of the acceptance of his tender for the mail service contract, Pentland to Georgetown, p.1.

Contract document, John Downie Houghton and the Postmaster Generals' Department, signed and witnessed, 8 February 1908, relating to the mail service Pentland to Georgetown, and mining fields and station properties in between, pp.4, also a letter of instruction, P.M.G. Department Brisbane, to J.D. Houghton, 1 May 1908, regarding the mail service to Georgetown, p.1.

Confidential: notes on a visit to North Queensland, August 23rd-September 18th 1933, by Professor J.A. Prescott, Chief of Division of Soils C.S.I.R. relating to peg leg disease in cattle, includes a list of soil samples collected, roneoed typescript pp.12.

Confidential Report on the Peg Leg Investigations at Helenslee via Pentland, by A.W. Turner, C.S.I.R., Oonoomba, Townsville, 7 April 1933, roneoed typescript, pp.3.

Booklet, Queensland Trustees Limited, Its Constitution Objects and Advantages, Brisbane, 1911, illus., pp.16.

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