Corporate entry: Station Records - Van Rook Station, Normanton, 4890


Van Rook is an extensive cattle property situated on Van Rook creek some 150 kilometres north east of Normanton; it is owned by Queensland Stations Pty Ltd of Melbourne. Miss Hazel Pitt kindly secured the following details of records held at the station. The collection is large and dates from ca.1923.

Station diaries, 1954, 1961-1979, 20 vols., includes diaries of Macaroni and Sterling out-stations.

Letters, memos, telegrams, 1965-1979, includes correspondence manager to head office, and correspondence with the Protector of Aborigines.

Inter-office memos, October 1969-October 1979, incontinuous.

Contracts and agreements, general purpose, droving, fencing, June 1956-October 1979, 16 vols.

Station reports, September 1960-October 1979, 4 vols, incontinuous.

Manager's monthly reports, March 1970-October 1979, 16 vols.

Livestock returns, March 1965-December 1971, 2 vols.

Quarterly cattle returns, 1947-1963, 1 vol.

Store cattle purchases, June 1963-July 1979, 1 vol.

Cattle brandings, July 1948-August 1979, 3 vols.

Fat cattle sale vouchers, June 1961-July 1976, 2 vols.

Store cattle sale vouchers, May 1953-July 1979, 2 vols.

Horse records, 1938-1967, 1970-1979, 4 vols.

Revenue estimates, 1961-1979, 3 vols.

Plant improvements, 1952, 1 vol.

Improvements: cash accounts, journal entries, 1930-1946, 1 vol.

Report on repairs to improvements, July 1968-March 1974, 2 vols.

Invoices, November 1964-May 1978, 9 vols.

Rainfall record, 1923-1979.

Additional records, all of a recent nature include: bookkeeping returns monthly summary, wages sheets, employees cards, estimates and reports on capital expenditure, insurance claims, bank deposits, cheque butts, stores issued and received, weekly fodder reports, station aircraft and tractor log books, record of distillate used.

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