Party: Stock and Station Agencies - Brisbane, Primaries Mactaggarts Association Limited, 99 Creek Street, Brisbane


The association was formed in 1975 with the amalgamation of two Queensland firms: Queensland Primary Producers Co-operative Association Limited, which was founded in 1920, and the Mactaggarts Company which began operations in 1881. The chief business activities are as wool brokers, stock and station agents and in the live export trade. In recent years business operations have been extended into New Guinea. Records include the following:

Primaries: Minutes of directors' meetings. 1920-1975.

Annual reports. 1920-1975.

A limited quantity of business and financial records, relating chiefly to wool and livestock sales. Generally records are only held for seven years.

Scrap books. Containing newspaper extracts, photographs etc., dating from 1950.

Mactaggarts: Minutes of directors' meetings. Including annual reports, 1881-1975.

Primaries Mactaggarts: Minutes of directors' meetings. 1975-present.

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