Corporate entry: Adelaide Steamship Company, 123 Greenhill Road, Unley, South Australia, 5061


The Adelaide Steamship Company, an Australian owned company, commenced operations in 1875; in 1893 it entered the Queensland cargo trade when it secured a contract with C.S.R. for the shipping of sugar. After the Second World War the company expanded its passenger services throughout the Australian coast, including the major ports of Queensland. The last of these interstate liners, the Manoora was withdrawn from service in 1961. Queensland cargo interests are now reduced, to the Company's quarter share in The Bulkships Group, whose loading Includes Queensland bulk sugar, though the Adelaide Steamship Company maintains offices in Brisbane, Mackay and Townsville.


Minutes of Director's Board meetings, October 1875-present, ca.50 vols, and recent minutes loose, rough minutes also held.

Letter books, out-letters from head office Adelaide, October 1888-October 1912, ca.22 vols, chiefly letters from the general manager and company secretary.

Annual reports and balance sheets, from 1875, complete.

Share registers and applications, 1875-present, several vols and loose papers.

Vessels' Trip books, July 1904-June 1970, each ship in the company fleet had a 'trip book', to record schedules and ports of call.

Miscellaneous note/memo books, recording details of ships' operations and organization, a considerable collection held.

Manuscript, 'Fitted for the voyage', draft of published history of the Adelaide Steamship Company, by Michael Page.

Collection of historical manuscripts and typescripts, on the Adelaide Steamship Company, authors include A.A.R.C. Cooper, H.N. Hayster and N.W. Wright.

Photographs, the collection contains portraits of all ships of the fleet, shore and sea staff and some buildings, a considerable quantity held in albums and boxes.

Ships plans, of most company vessels, ca.10 bound vols.

Newspaper extracts, relating to company management, directors, shipping etc.

Collection held in filing cabinet. Intending researchers are asked to contact the Company in advance, with details of the proposed study, so that a decision may be made on allowing access to the records.

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