Corporate entry: Company Archives and Head Office Holding, The Australian Estates Company Limited, C/- C.S.R. Limited (Sugar Division), 55 Clarence Street, Sydney, 2000


Documents relating to the pastoral and sugar milling activities of the Australian Estates group of companies in north and central Queensland. Documents relating to pastoral holdings:

1. Agreement of Sale of Alcala Pastoral Holding 14 July 1959, with copy, microfilm, A1/M3.

2. Agreement of Sale of Longwater Pastoral Development Hiding (part of Alcala), 14 July 1959, with copy, microfilm, A1/M4.

3. Memorandum of Agreement for Sale and Purchase of Livestock on Alcala Pastoral Holding and Longwater Pastoral Development Holding, 14 July 1959, with copy, microfilm A1/M5.

4. Agreement for Sale of 154 sq. miles Burnham Pastoral Holding (part of Chatsworth), 13 November 1959, microfilm, B6/M3.

5. Agreement for Sale of 178 sq. miles Hillingdon Holding, (part of Chatsworth), 13 November 1959, microfilm, B6/M4.

6. Agreement for Sale of Burnham Pastoral Holding, Plant and Livestock (part of Chatsworth), 30 October 1959, microfilm B6/M5.

7. Agreement for Sale of Hillingdon Pastoral Holding Plant and Livestock (part of Chatsworth), 30 October 1959, microfilm B6/M6.

8. Agreement of Sale of Burleigh Pastoral Development Holding, 6 October 1960, microfilm, B7/M2.

9. Agreement for Sale and Purchase of Chatsworth, 12 February 1947, microfilm C4/M1.

10. Unsigned copy of Agreement for Purchase of Datchett Downs (part of Chatsworth), n.d., microfilm, C4/M7.

11. Delivery Note of Dalgonally, Canobie and Wurung Stations, 31 October 1947, microfilm, D2/M3.

12. Agreement of Sale and Purchase of Canobie and Dalgonally Stations, 11 September 1947, microfilm, D2/M4.

13. Transfer of Mortgage over Granada Station and Stock, 20 May 1895, microfilm G2/M5.

14. Transfer of Mortgage over Granada Station and Stock, 22 Apr. 1890, microfilm, G2/M6.

15. Assignment of Stock Mortgage regarding Granada, 31 March 1885, microfilm G2/M7.

16. Mortgage of Granada Station and Stock, 19 February 1884, microfilm, G2/M8.

17. Agreement for Sale and Purchase of Tilboroo and Eulo Pastoral Holding, part of Kamilaroi in the district of Warrego, 9 March 1934, microfilm, K2/M4.

18. Agreement for Sale and Purchase of Tilboroo and Eulo Pastoral Holding, part of Kamilaroi in the district of Cunnamulla, 19 July 1924, microfilm K2/M5.

19. Agreement between The South Australian Land Mortgage and Agency Co. Ltd and others, and Kamilaroi Pastoral Co. Ltd, 3 January 1924, microfilm K2/M7.

Documents relating to Sugar Mill Lands:

1. Contract of Sale for 31 acres 1 rood 14.6 perches to Kalamia (and unsigned copy), 30 September 1953, microfilm K1/M14.

2. Contract of Sale for 2 acres 1 rood 10.6 perches to Kalamia, 1 December 1953, microfilm K1/M15.

3. Easement of Right of Way and of Pipe Line, Kalamia, 4 December 1953, 2 copies, microfilm M16.

4. Photostat copy of original Sale contract for Kalamia Plains, 17 May 1965, microfilm K1/M23.

5. Copy of Easement over land at Kalamia. Copies of plans No. 22895 and No. 22889, 30 September 1968, microfilm K1/M26.

6. Photostat of unsigned Lease and Plan Kalamia to Alfredo Grasso and Catherine Grasso, Ayr, n.d. [2 January 1974], microfilm K1/M27.

7. Photo of unsigned Lease and Plan Kalamia to G.E. & C.A. Arboit Form No. 23 in connection with Lease, n.d., microfilm K1/M28.

8. Photo of unsigned Lease and Plan Kalamia to S. & J. Muguira, M. Azcue and C. Castrejana, n.d., microfilm, K1/M29.

9. Photo of unsigned Lease and Plan Kalamia to P. Fiamingo, n.d., microfilm K1/M30.

10. Photo of unsigned Lease and Plan Kalamia to F.E. Thompson, n.d., microfilm, K1/M31.

11. Copy of Lease Kalamia to Giuseppina Sarri and Giovanni Sam (Jnr) as Devisees in Trust under Will Giovanni Sarri (Snr) (Dec'd) and Giovanni Sarri (Jnr). Copy of Sublease The foregoing Sarri to O. & Mrs E.A. Lazzarini and G. & Mrs R. Lazzarini. Form No. 23 (Lease of Land wholly or partly Assigned) in connection with Lease, microfilm K1/M32.

12. Copy of Leases regarding alteration to boundaries in proposed exchange of land Kalamia to Mrs F.E. Thompson and to Sarri, n.d. Also copy of letter from Kalamia dated 1 September 1977. microfilm, K1/M33.

13. Copy of Plan No. 32759 regarding exchange of land between Kalamia and Mrs F.E. Chappie, 1 November 1937, microfilm K1/M34.

14. Photo of unsigned Lease and Plan covering 269 acres, 3 roods, 6 perches Kalamia to Alfredo Grasso and Catherine Grasso of Colevale Road, Brandon, n.d., microfilm K1/M35.

15. Copy of Lease to Donald Charles Moss and Dulcie Ruth Moss covering Windsor Park (part of Kalamia), 4 February 1970, microfilm K7/M1.

16. Copy of Sublease given by Lando & Sons to other members of Partnership of Lando Estates covering part of Windsor (Kalamia), n.d., microfilm K7/M2.

17. Copy of Letter of Undertaking from Members of the Firm of Lando Estates regarding Watering Facilities, 19 May 1976, microfilm K7/M3.

18. Copy of 7 Plans Easements and Exchange of one (1) area. For details see copy of Kalamia letter 24 August 1978 attached to plans 15 June 1978, microfilm K7/M4.

19. Copy of Agreement for Sale, Lochinvar Pastoral Co. Pty. Ltd, and the A.E. Co. Ltd, (Kalamia), 1975, microfilm K12/M1.

20. Copy of Agreement for Sale, Plant, Livestock on Lochinvar to Kalamia, 1975, microfilm K12/M2.

21. Copy Statement and verifying Affidavit Section 54 A (2) of Stamp Act regarding Lochinvar (Kalamia), 31 July 1975, microfilm K12/M3.

22. Copy Statement of Change of Persons in relation to Business Name regarding Lochinvar (Kalamia), 31 July 1975, microfilm K12/M4.

23. Copy of Bill of Mortgage, replaced June 1976 by a new Mortgage to C.W. Chaplain (see K12/M6) regarding Lochinvar (Kalamia) 31 July 1975, microfilm K12/M5.

24. Copy of Bill of Mortgage between The Australian Estates Co. Ltd (mortgagor) and Cyril William Chaplain (mortgagee) regarding Kalamia-Lochinvar, 3 June 1967, microfilm K12/M6.

25. Copy of Lease to Townsville Regional Electricity Board over 316 hectares part of Volume 433 Folio 160 for 20 years from 1 March 1974, 22 May 1975, microfilm K1/MA1.

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