Corporate entry: Sugar Industry Company Archives and Head Office Holding C.S.R. Limited, Technical Library, 1-7 Bent Street, Sydney


The following is a selective listing taken from the Library card index. Some of the Library holdings are duplicated in the C.S.R. deposits in the Archives of Business and Labour Canberra, and a decision is pending as to whether the bulk of the Library collection will be transferred to that repository in Canberra. At the time of this survey, C.S.R. policy regarding access to records held in the Company Library and in Canberra, was not finally formulated. It is probable that approved researchers will be allowed access to records, providing that the final manuscript is submitted to the Company for approval, before publication or presentation for examination. C.S.R. have copied a considerable quantity of records on microfilm and this is a continuing project. Major emphasis to date has been the copying of recent records, which includes material relating to the recent take over of Australian Estates by C.S.R. Limited. Access to such records by the general public will not be allowed for some considerable period.

ADAMS, C.E., Letter confirming Adams appointment as agent on the Johnstone River, Queensland, 1883. BOX FILE A 2.0, FOLDER 4, DOCUMENT 25.

AIRDMILLAN MILL, description of Estate and Mill. B F. D 1.0., FOL. 1, DOC. 19, pp. 4-7, 15.

ALCOHOL INDUSTRY, Report, Power Alcohol Committee of Inquiry, Melbourne 1941, under the chairmanship of W.J. Rose; also minutes of evidence in box file. Q661.912 CA.

ALEXANDRA MILL, Mackay, no details. B F. 1.0., DOC. 3, ATTACHMENT 47,52.

ALEXANDRA MILL, evidence presented by J.E. Davidson before the Royal Commission of 1888-1889, B F. 1.0, DOC. 3, ATTACHMENT 62.

ALEXANDRA MILL, license for Australian Estates and Mortgage Co., The Palms, Mackay, 1902, BF.D2.0., FOL.1,DOC.43.

ALM, John, 'Early history of the Herbert River District Queensland', by an old settler. Series of articles published Herbert River Express, 20, 27 June, 11 July 1944. B F. N 1.0., DOC. 3, ATTACHMENT 39.

ALOOMBA, QUEENSLAND, The History of Aloomba and its School, commemorating 75 years of the school 1899-1974, 1975, illus., pp.18. Includes early history of Aloomba, mention of the establishment of the sugar industry and C.S.R.'s agreement to crush cane from Aloomba and Hambledon mills. Brief mention of Mulgrave Mill. B F. D 1.0., FOL. 7, DOC. 5.

APLIN, BROWN & CO. LTD, TOWNSVILLE, circular letter, 11 September 1893, advising of this firms appointment as C.S.R. agent in north Queensland for New Farm refinery products, BF.D1.0.,FOL.1,DOC.27.

AUSTRALIAN JOINT STOCK BANK, Minutes of Board Meetings, 1865-1868, extracts relating to the sugar industry in Queensland, B F. D 1.0., FOL. 1, DOC. 27.

AUSTRALIAN NORTH COAST, treatise on the development of this region by the expansion of the sugar industry, n.a., n.d. B F. B 1.0., FOL. 1, DOC. 56.

AUSTRALIAN SUGAR CO., an account of the charter of the barque Thomas King in 1852 to load sugar in Manila, the wreck of the vessel on Cato's Reef and massacre of some crew members by aborigines, and the rescue of survivors, B F. A 5.0, FOL. 3, DOC. 50.


AUSTRALIAN SUGAR PRODUCERS ASSOCIATION, Its genesis, history, objects etc., n.d., n.p., BF. D 1.0., FOL. 9, DOC. 10.

BAGASSE-MEGASS BOARD PLANT, Macknade Mill, agreements, reports, plans etc., relating to the experimental plant at Macknade Mill, 1934-1937. BF.6.

BAGS AND BAGGING, details of cost of delivering new and second hand sacks during 1920 season, to Queensland ports, BF. 3.0., FOL. 4, DOC. 1.

BALMORAL MILL, record of early Mackay Mill, B F. N 1.0., DOC. 3, ATTACHMENT 47.

BANK OF NEW SOUTH WALES, minutes of Board Meetings 1868-1881, extracts relating to the sugar industry in Queensland, B F. D 1.0., FOL. 1, DOC. 28.

BARRIE MILL, record of early Mackay Mill, B F. N 1.0., DOC. 3, ATTACHMENT 47.

BAUER'S SUGAR MILL, item regarding early sugar mill at Weary Bay near Cooktown, built ca.1884, extract from Producers Review, July 1964, p. 57, BF.D1.0.,FOL.1,DOC.41.

BEACONSFIELD MILL, early history by J. Aim, BF. N 1.0., DOC. 3, ATTACHMENT 39.


BIRCH, A, The organization and economics of Pacific Islands labour in the Australian sugar industry, 1863-1906, 1964, BF. B 2.0., FOL. 1, DOC. 23.

BRANSCOMBE MILL, record of early Mackay Mill, BF. N 1.0., DOC. 3, ATTACHMENTS 47, 52.

BRIE BRIE MILL, notes on early Cairns sugar mill, owned by Mrs E. Parker, BF. D 1.0., FOL. 1, DOC. 19, p.l6.

BURDEKIN DISTRICT, list of sugar plantations, farms and mills with names and owners 1888. BF. D 1.0., FOL. 11, DOC. 2.

BURGESS, Barbara. The circumstances of the introduction of Kanakas and the movement for their removal, BF. B 2.0., FOL. 1, DOC. 19/20.

BURGESS, Barbara, research notes from Brisbane on Queensland immigration, 1962, BF. B 2.0., FOL. 4, DOC. 20.

BURNS PHILP & CO., letter, 5 September 1893, described as: 'surprising letter from B.P. to a prospective customer at Thursday Island, offering cut prices for sugar, and stating that the low price of sugar was due to C.S.R. cutting prices ... with the object of trying to oust plantation made sugar from the market, and urging support for the plantations', BF. A 3.0., FOL. 7, DOC. 3.

CAIRNS DISTRICT, map of cane growing areas Hambledon Mill near Cairns, North Queensland, 1954, drawn by Edgar Ford. BF. D 2.0., FOL. 3, DOC. 10.

CANE PURCHASE AGREEMENT, Hambledon Mill, 1902, BF. D 2.0., FOL. 3, DOC. 21.

CANE PURCHASE AGREEMENT, Goondi Mill, 1899, 1900, 1901, BF. A6.1., FOL. 5, DOC. 13.

CATTLE CREEK MILL, record of early Mackay Mill, BF. N 1.0., DOC. 3, ATTACHMENT 47.

THE CEDARS MILL, record of early Mackay Mill, BF. N 1.0, DOC. 3, ATTACHMENT 52.

CHINESE LABOURERS, details of terms, conditions and particulars for importing Chinese labour into Queensland, n.d., source unknown. BF. B 2.1, FOL. 1, DOC. 3.

CHRONOLOGY OF C.S.R., 1855-1942, BF.D1.0.,FOL.1,DOC.17.

COLONIAL SUGAR REFINING CO., large holding, subheadings include: Acts of Parliament, Amalgamations with other companies, Attacks on, Agent for Government, Balance Sheets, Board Minutes, Capital variations, Chemical control, Correspondence, Debentures, Deeds of Settlement, Directors, Dividends, Finance, General Manager, Houses for Personnel, Industrial matters, Litigation, Mills, Mineral interests, Political interests, Publications, Reports and speeches, Shares and shareholders, Ships, Staff, Structure of Company, Tenant planters, etc. Structure of Company, Tenant planters, etc. C.S.R. Minutes of Board Meetings, selected extracts, 1855-1900, 1855-1897, 1868-1897, 1872-1879, 1882-1914, BF. A1.1, FOL. 2, DOCS. 1-6, 8; B.F. A5.0, FOL. I, DOC. 47.

C.S.R. Company Act of 1881, Queensland, correspondence E.W.K. to E.B. Forrest, regarding purchase of cane lands at Mackay, cane contracts, and the C.S.R. Co. Act of 1881, B F. D2.0, FOL. 1, DOC. 14.

COMMITTEE OF SUGAR INQUIRY, CANBERRA, 1931, reports and evidence by the Chairman John Gunn, incl. 7 BOX FILES AND REPORT. Q664.15 AG.

COMMONWEALTH SUGAR INQUIRY COMMITTEE, 1952, typescript of proceedings, the McCarthy Report, Q664.15 McC.

CORRESPONDENCE, an extensive file, includes draft letter to the Queensland Premier regarding British, Scandinavian, Austrian and Catalan labour, introduced into Queensland by C.S.R. at the request of cane growers in the Herbert, Johnstone and Cairns districts, with covering letter by E.B. Forrest, 31 August 1907. BF. B2.1, FOL. 2, DOC. 2.

DALRYMPLE, G.E. report on the Queensland North-East coastal expedition, 1873. BF. D2.1.

TILE DRAINING AT VICTORIA MILL, 1897-1898, reports and associated papers, BF. A6.0, FOL. 2, DOC. 44.

FANNING, WILLIAM, Macknade Mill, correspondence 1857-1875, BF. M1.0, POL. 2; BF. A2.0, FOL. 2, DOC. 13.

FARLEIGH MILL, photograph 1919, BF. D2.0, FOL. 1, DOC. 23.

FARLEIGH MILL, details of early-history, BF. N1.0, DOC. 3.

Correspondence, regarding proposed sale of Farleigh Mill, 1902, 1910, BF. D2.0, FOL. 1, DOC. 7.

FARQUHAR, A.M.O., report on a tour covering all C.S.R. Australian Mills, with details of agricultural and cultivation aspects, 5 August 1924. BF. A5, 1, FOL. 2, DOC. 12.

FOULDEN MILL, record of early Mackay Mill, BF. N1.0, DOC. 3, ATTACHMENTS 47, 52.

GAIRLOCH MILL, description of mill and plantation, BF. D3.0, FOL. 1, DOCS. 2,6.

early history of mill by John Aim, BF. N1.0, DOC. 3, ATTACHMENT 39.

records regarding Fanning, Nankwell & Co., owners of Hamleigh, Macknade and Gairloch mills in 1885, BF. D3.0, FOL. 1, DOCS. 2, 5, FOL. 3, DOC. 10.

extract from Victoria Mill letter book, no. 3, 18 June 1888, p. 303, regarding acquisition of Gairloch Plantation by Cowley & Co. BF. D3.0, FOL. 2, DOC. 2.

GOONDI MILL, extracts from Goondi letter books, no. 1, 1884-1888, no. 2, 1888-1889, covers period of establishment and early years of operation, BF. D2.0, FOL. 2, DOC. 1.

history of crushing plant, 1885-1925, with sketch plan, BF. D2.0, FOL. 2, DOC. 24.

lease agreement, 189-? BF. D2.0, FOL. 2, DOC. 4.

photographs, ca.1888, 1892, 1898, BF. D2.0, FOL. 2, DOCS. 11, 12, 16, 17.

rainfall records, 1891, 1894, 1901, 1910, BF. D2.0, FOL. 2, DOC. 8.

plan of Daragee area, Goondi, ca.1909, BF. D2.0, FOL. 2, DOC. 1.

proposed tramway to Mourilyan Harbour, 1897, BF. D2.0, FOL. 2, DOC. 5.

details of tons of cane crushed and sugar produced, 1885-1960, BF. D1.0, FOL. 11, DOC. 2.

record regarding introduction of treble crushing 1892, BF. A5.1, FOL. 2, DOC. 14.

GRIFFITH, S.W., copy of the announcement by the Premier of Queensland of his decision to permit the resumption of the importation of Kanaka labour into Queensland for the sugar industry, n.d. [1892], BF.B2.0,FOL.1,DOC.16.

GUNNING, H.W.J., photographs of early Mackay sugar mills, Farleigh, Habana, Palmyra, Pleystowe, Richmond and The Palms, also bullock teams bringing sugar from Havana to Mackay for shipment; supplied to C.S.R. by Mr Gunning of Homebush, 1959, BF. D2.0, FOL. 1, DOC. 23.

HABANA MILL, correspondence regarding lien on crops of Long and Robertson, Habana Estate, to C.S.R. 1893, BF. D2.0. FOL. 1. DOC. 8.

HAMBLEDON MILL, photographs of mill and district, ca.1900, taken by C.O. Randell, C.S.R. chemist, 5 albums,


A. cane purchase agreement between C.S.R. and C.P. Anderson at Hambledon, 1902,

B. M. & S. agreement between C.S.R. and John Taylor, mill labourer at Hambledon, 1908.

C. M. & S. agreement between C.S.R. and cane cutters, Hambledon, 1908, BF. D2.0, FOL. 3, DOCS 21-23.

historical details, Greenhill Estate, Hambledon Mill, BF. D6.0, FOL. 2, DOC. 46.

Miscellaneous historical notes, Hambledon Mill, BF. D2.0, FOL. 3, DOCS. 1, 8; BF. D1.0, FOL. 1, DOC. 19.

correspondence, B.R. Riley to W.P. Dixon, 5 December 1919, regarding difference with Cairns manager of the Adelaide Steamship Co. Ltd, BF. D2.0, FOL. 3, DOC. 6.

HERBERT RIVER DISTRICT, correspondence E.W. Knox to E.B. Forrest, May 1881, regarding proposed purchase of lands at Mackay, Herbert River and Johnstone River, BF. D1.0, FOL. 6, DOC. 7.

correspondence E.W. Knox to E.B. Forrest 11, 23 August 1882, regarding opening of C.S.R. plantations at Mackay and Herbert River, BF, D1.0, FOL. 6, DOC. 8.

correspondence, E.W. Knox to Parbury Lamb & Co., Brisbane 18 July 1882, regarding C.S.R.'s progress on the Herbert River and at Mackay, BF. D1.0, FOL. 6, DOC. 9.

details regarding visit of the Governor of Queensland to the Herbert River district, as guest of the C.S.R. Co., 1903, BF. D3.0, FOL. 1, DOC. 10.

correspondence, E.W. Knox to E.B. Forrest n.d., regarding candidature for the Herbert River electorate, BF. A4.0, FOL. 2, DOC. 5.

memorandum to the manager, C.S.R.'s Herbert River Plantation 4 July 1882, regarding performance of conditions on the Company's Conditional Selections in the Cardwell district, BF. D3.0, FOL. 1, DOC. 16.

report on the sugar lands of the Johnstone, Herbert and Burdekin Rivers and of the Mackay district, of a survey carried out by G. Smith in 1881, for C.S.R. BF. D1.0, FOL. 6, DOC. 6.

HOMEBUSH MILL, history of crushing plant, 1881-1920 with sketch plan, BF. D2.0, FOL. 1, DOC. 27.

history of Homebush machinery plant, BF. D2.0, FOL. 1, DOC. 1.

letter of introduction from E.W. Knox 29 July, 1881, advising the appointment of David Stuart as officer in charge of C.S.R.'s Mackay Estate, BF. A2.0, FOL. 3, DOC. 33.

list of Homebush Mill managers, 1883-1921, BF. D2.0, FOL. 1, DOC. 40.

memo to C.S.R. Board from E.W. Knox 23 December, 1920, regarding proposal to close the mill, BF. D2.0, FOL. 1, DOC. 26.

memo to manager Mackay Plantation 4 July, 1882, regarding performance of conditions on the Company's Conditional Selections in the Mackay district, BF. D2.0, FOL. 1, DOC. 13.

agreement between blacksmith and C.S.R. for employment at the mill, 1882, BF. D2.0, FOL. 1, DOC. 13.

chemists report, 1888 season, signed by J.C. Brunnich, BF. D2.0, FOL. 1, DOC. 35.

photographs of Homebush Mill. ca. 1883, in: PHOTOGRAPHS, C.S.R. COMPANY ALBUM, this is part of an extensive collection in albums and single photographs which includes portraits of sugar industry identities, also sugar estates and ships.

JOHNSTONE RIVER DISTRICT, correspondence, E.W. Knox to E.B. Forrest, [1881?], regarding the proposed purchase of land on the Herbert and Johnstone Rivers and at Mackay, mention of rumours of many deaths from fever on the Johnstone, BF. D1.0, FOL. 6, DOC. 7.

correspondence, E.W. Knox to E.B. Forrest, 1881, advising he will not send Wyness to the Johnstone River because of Wyness' fear concerning reports of the death toll there due to fever, BF. D2.0, FOL. 2, DOC. 9.

notebook with manuscript details made by an unidentified visitor to the Johnstone River, 1882, BF. D2.0, FOL. 2, DOC. 7.

KANAKAS, court record of accusation by the police magistrate at Geraldton [later Innisfail], that planters, including C.S.R., were permitting the sale of liquor to Kanaka labourers. The inquiry was held in Townsville, 1888. BF. B2.0, FOL. 4, DOC. 6.

applications by C.S.R. to recruit 139 Kanakas for Victoria Plantation, 1884, and to recruit 300 Kanakas for Goondi Plantation, 1887, BF. B2.0, FOL. 2, DOC. 9.

brief history of C.S.R. and the Queensland Kanaka trade, BF. B2.0, FOL. 1, DOC. 13.

C.S.R. and its Kanaka Labour in Queensland. Extract from Herbert River letterbook no. 1, 1882-1883, BF. B2.0, FOL. 4, DOC. 17.

C.S.R. begins its own chartering of vessels for Polynesian recruiting, 1883, BF. B2.0, FOL. 2, DOC. 10.

complaint by C.E. Forster, manager of Goondi, regarding alleged slackness of police in overlooking sale of liquor to Kanakas and in permitting the activities of European prostitutes amongst the Kanakas, 1901, BF. B2.0, FOL. 4, DOC. 7.

condemnation by Inspector of Polynesians of quality of blankets supplied by C.S.R. for Kanakas at Victoria, 1888, BF. B2.0, FOL. 4, DOC. 8.

contract for Polynesian Labour, 1868, includes conditions of service, wages, rations etc., BF. B2.0, FOL. 2, DOC. 15.

correspondence regarding recruiting vessels chartered by C.S.R., BF. B2.0, FOL. 2, DOC. 1.

record regarding heavy mortality among Kanaka Labour at Victoria Estate, includes details of strict instructions to C.S.R.'s officer in charge that Kanakas are to be well cared for and that no opportunity be given for charges of neglect by the government, 3 April, 5 July, 1882, extract from Herbert River letterbook no. 1, pp. 24, 102. BF. D3.0, FOL. 2, DOC. 1.

Immigration Department receipts for Kanaka hospital fees, labour re-agreements etc., 1887, BF. B2.0, FOL. 3, DOC. 2.

historical notes on importation of Kanakas, BF. B2.0, FOL. 1, DOCS. 4, 12.

correspondence, 3 letters by E.W. Knox, regarding C.S.R. and Kanaka Labour, 1882, BF. B2.0, FOL. 2, DOCS. 2, 10.

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