Corporate entry: Sugar Industry - Company Archives and Head Office Holdings Pioneer Sugar Mills Limited, M.I.M House, 160 Ann Street, Brisbane


Pioneer plantation, later to become Pioneer Sugar Mill was founded at Brandon in 1882; it passed to Drysdale Brothers and Company in 1883 and this partnership later built Inkerman Mill at Home Hill in 1914. A public company was established in 1960, in which C.S R. Limited holds a 20% interest. Brisbane office records are housed in office files and in the company library, which Is available for study purposes to approved researchers. Records include:

Annual reports. 1960-present, (previous reports are held but are not available for public scrutiny).

Hearings of the Central Sugar Cane Prices Board. 1940-present, bound volumes.

Mutual Control Data. Statistical data compiled by the Bureau of Sugar Experiment Stations, with production details of all Queensland sugar mills, 1952-present, bound volumes.

Publications. Include the Australian Sugar Year Book, volume 1, 1941-present, historical works and current periodicals relating to the sugar industry.

Intending researchers should apply in advance for access to records and use of library facilities. Photocopying equipment is available. The library is open Monday-Friday, 9.00 am-6 00 pm. See also Delamothe Archives, James Cook University of North Queensland, also Pioneer Mill and Inkerman Mill holdings.

Is Held By