Corporate entry: Sugar Mills - MACKNADE C.S.R. Limited, Macknade Mill, Macknade, 4851


Macknade plantation and mill was founded on the Herbert River by the Neame Brothers in 1871. It was sold to Fanning and Co. of Melbourne in 1882, however when that company encountered financial difficulties the estate was resumed by the Neames, in 1887. In 1897, the C.S.R. Co. purchased Macknade, and have continued operations to the present day. The following records are in the hands of the cane inspector at the mill:

Land purchase and rental records, Macknade Island. Details cover payments made to the mill by farmers for community services such as hospital fees, wharf dues, store accounts, solicitors' fees. Also a list of indentured Pacific Island labour from the vessels Sybil, January 1886, and Fearless, March 1895, January 1886-ca.1913, 1 volume.

Miscellaneous documents. Including memorandum of agreement 1898, J.S. Blackburn with Macknade mill.

Main Roads regulations.

Macknade mill stock returns (animals), 1928.

Slaughter house returns, 1927.

Production data.

Pest destruction accounts.

Various documents. regarding tramway construction, farm leases, assignments, cane cutting gangs, wages and conditions, also contracts, agreements, farmers appeals, and records regarding 1927 flood. 1898-present, 1 box folder.

'History books'. 1928-present.

Cane inspector's report. 1907-present, 1937.

Cane inspector's field books. 1910-present (1 book for each district).

Estimates of farm yields. 1898-present.

Actual farm yields. 1910-present.

Mill production statistics. 1896-present.

Rainfall charts. (monthly), 1897-present.

Cane inspector's farm maps. Large collection.

Map of Macknade Island. Showing original farms and names of farmers when the area was first settled in the 1870s. A collection of photographs is held in the main office safe, these cover various topics relating to Macknade mill and the Herbert River district.

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