Corporate entry: Sugar Mills - Mackay. Amalgamated Sugar Mills Pty Limited, Pleystowe, via Mackay, 4740


Crushing operations date from 1869, however the old plant was reconstructed to form a new Central Mill in the 1890s. In later years it was operated by Australian Estates Co Ltd, and from 1975 by C S R Limited With few exceptions all record holdings date from 1925 when Pleystowe and The Palms mill amalgamated.

Main office: Annual accounts, 1925-present.

Register of shareholders, 1925-present, 2 volumes.

Minutes of meetings, 1940-present.

Memos to growers, 1931-present, 1 volume.

Correspondence files, government papers and reports relating to Commissions of Inquiry into the Sugar Industry, from 1930s, several folders.

Correspondence relating to dispute with Railway Commission over transport costs and the establishment of facilities at sidings, from 1936.

Papers regarding amalgamation of The Palms and Pleystowe Central Mill, 1925, 1 bundle.

Ledgers, from 1949

Cash books, 1940-present.

Journals, July 1942-December 1950, 1 volume. January 1951-April 1953, 1 volume.

Tramway leases, from 1917, several bundles.

Timekeepers Section: Wages books, 1928-present, volumes, then card system.

Time books, from May 1939

First aid book, details include name, occupation, date, age, injury, treatment, July 1923-April 1956, 1 volume.

Cane Inspector's office: Cane Inspector's books, recent records only, except some material from ca 1920s regarding authority to burn cane.

Record of average weight of cane bins from ca 1940.

Individual farm record book, with production details including assignment changes, farm peaks, also some correspondence, 1925-present.

Maps and surveys, considerable holding.

Laboratory, Section, Card Inspectors Office: Production record, includes date, production data regarding each stage of refinement process, weekly production assessment, 1902-present, ca.20 volumes.

Rainfall records, ca.1939-present.

Photographs, small collection. Poster, with sketches of various Mackay mills issued by Low and Co., of the now defunct Habana Mill, n.d.

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