Party: Sugar Industry Organization - Home Hill Inker Mill Suppliers' Committee, 68 Tenth Street, Home Hill, 4806


The organization was established in approximately 1925 and was formerly entitled the Farmers and Graziers Association.

Minutes of meetings. Inkerman Farmers and Graziers Association, May 1925-June 1934, 1 volume.

Minutes of meetings. Inkerman Mill Suppliers Committee, August 1926-May 1928, 1 volume, October 1937-June 1930, 1 volume, July 1930-June 1932, 1 volume, July 1932-October 1934, 1 volume, November 1934-January 1936, 1 volume, February 1936-June 1941, 1 volume, record held to present.

Circular book. Inkerman Mill Suppliers Committee, June 1932-May 1934, 1 volume.

Production data. 1929-1940, 1 volume.

Ledger. The Queensland Canegrowers' Association, Inkerman Mill Suppliers' Committee, April 1948-March 1963, 1 volume.

Minutes of meetings. Home Hill Arts Society, October 1928-August 1934, 1 volume.

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