Party: Social Clubs - Clermont Clermont Club, SIRIUS Street, Clermont, 4721


Social club established 1887. Original building and records lost in 1916 flood. Club rooms: Honour Board. Past presidents, 1917-present.

Life members, 1917-present.

Members nomination book. August 1917-present, 1 volume.

History of club. By 'W.B.' [William Bacon], framed and hung in committee room, compiled May 1933.

Photographs. Portraits, former office holders, members, original clubhouse, members who served in defence forces.

Strong Room: Annual reports and members registers. 1925-present, 2 sheet booklet, annual.

Fourteenth Annual Report. 6 August 1901, pp.2.

Minutes of general meetings. March 1917-October 1935, 1 volume. August 1935-January 1946, 1 volume, May 1945-October 1952, 1 volume, October 1952-December 1963, 1 volume, January 1964-present, 1 volume.

Business records. Including ledgers and journals from July 1917, several volumes.

Suggestion book. From 1935, 1 volume.

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