Party: Anglican Churches Regional Records - Thursday Island. The Bishop of Carpentaria, Bishop'S House, Thursday Island, 4875


A collection of manuscripts, correspondence files, registers, miscellaneous papers and printed records relating to the Diocese of Carpentaria, notably the Torres Straits region, is held in the Bishop's House. They include the following:

Letters of the Reverend Butcher, from Marbuiag and Darnley Islands, 20 October 1905-October 1911.

Collection of correspondence, government papers, documents, including marriage declarations, consent to the marriage of minors etc., extracts from government legislation, 10 November 1905-29 March 1912, pp. 124.

Miscellaneous collection, baptism, marriage, burial certificates, 5 November 1909-9 December 1908,pp.33.

Annual report, London Missionary Society, Torres Straits District, 1904, pp. 4.

Thesis, Politics in the Torres Straits Islands, by Jeremy B. Beckett, Ph.D., A.N.U., 1963, tabs., maps, pp. 403.

Manuscript, Reverend B.T Butcher, copy of Mitchell Library MS. on Reverend Butcher, a member of the London Missionary Society who worked in the Torres Straits. Call no. ML MSS 1356/19 CY REEL 430, frame no. 1-205.

Typescript, 'Isles of Hope', by A. Mary Gilbert, foolscap, pp. 405, plus postscript pp. 17. Memoirs of the wife of an Anglican missionary who came to the Torres Straits from N.S.W. in 1938. They served at St Paul's Mission, Moa Island, and were evacuated during the second World War. The postscript covers the situation in the Torres Straits to 1979.

Typescript, 'Pasi - A story of the Islands from the Diaries of A.O C Davies', by John Orrell, [1969], foolscap, illus., pp. 259. An account of the life style, culture and myths of the Torres Strait people largely taken from Pasi, Chief of the Mer Island Council, and friend of Davies. Also describes European and missionary involvement in the region, ca.1924-1926. Davies was a school teacher on Mer Island. An additional narrator's commentary, on sources and subjects, p. ix, Island names, both 'European' and 'native' pp. x-xn, glossary of Menan vocabulary used pp. xiii-xvm.

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