Party: Regional Records - Herberton. St Patrick's Roman Catholic Church, Broad, Herberton, 4872


The parish priest provided the following information. Few records prior to 1949 are held at the Herberton Church. Herberton founded in 1884, is the oldest Roman Catholic parish and Church centre on the Atherton Tableland, records date from 1879, and from ca.1884-1957 the Church was run by the Augustinian fathers. Some official Herberton records were removed to southern centres or taken to Rome, some also went to Brisbane in 1940 at the request of Archbishop Duhig. Moreover in 1959, a quantity of correspondence and papers held at St Patrick's, dating from the 1880s, was destroyed. In 1949, Atherton and Ravenshoe were made separate parishes, the old Church registers were removed from Herberton and new ones commenced. Some of these early Herberton records are currently held at St Joseph's, Atherton. St Patrick's, Herberton now holds the following:

Burial register: January, 1931-present. Other Church registers and records from 1949.

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