Party: Regional Records - Hughenden. Sacred Heart War Memorial Roman Catholic Church, 12 Mowbray Street, Hughenden, 4821


The parish of Hughenden was founded in 1885; it currently includes Hughenden, Prairie, Torrens Creek and Stamford

Baptism registers: September, 1891-January, 1901, 1 vol., February, 1900-August, 1909, 1 vol., October, 1909-August, 1921, 1 vol., September, 1921-September, 1943, 1 vol., September, 1921-April, 1944, 1 vol., May, 1944-present, 1 vol.

Marriage registers: January, 1892-June, 1927, 1 vol., September, 1909-May, 1953, 1 vol., November, 1914-May, 1945, 1 vol., some duplication, Church and government records. August 1946-present, 1 vol.

Burial register: April, 1887-present, copied from Hughenden City Council records.

Register of sick calls: September, 1923-May, 1961, 1 vol., May, 1961-July, 1975, 1 vol., October, 1970-present, 1 vol.

Commemorative publication: A Souvenir of the Diamond Jubilee, 1885-1945 of the Catholic Parish of Hughenden, Diocese of Townsville, n.d., [1945], illus., ports., historical text, no publication details, pp. 68.

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