Party: Regional Records - Richmond. St Brigid's Roman Catholic Church, Goldring Street, Richmond, 4822


The Church was established in 1923, but records date from 1908.

Baptism Registers: June 1922-February 1957, 1 vol., June 1922-March 1960, 1 vol., duplicate copy. March 1960-present, 1 vol.

Confirmation Registers; October 1923-present, 1 vol.

Marriage Register.' January 1908-December 1923, 1 vol., February 1923-June 1945, 1 vol., October 1945-July 1963, 1 vol., April 1964-present, 1 vol., also February 1923-present, 1 vol., duplicate copy.

Burial Registers: January 1923-present, 1 vol.

The Church also holds records of the former St Joseph's Roman Catholic Convent and Primary School, which was run by the Josaphite Sisters, and which closed in 1972. Records include:

Pupil Register: February 1949-May 1969, 1 vol., frail.

A small photograph collection of school activities, and miscellaneous papers.

Commemorative publication: The Golden Jubilee of St. Joseph's Convent Richmond, 1915-1965, n.a., Ayr, [1965], port., illus., historical text, pp. 16.

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