Party: Presbyterian Church - Townsville. St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church of Queensland, 103 Wills Street, Townsville, 4810


Some records were destroyed in the cyclone in 1971; the following are housed in the Church Office.

Baptism Registers: from 1904, 1 vol., September 1956-present, 1 vol.

Marriage Registers; August 1915-July 1928, 1 vol., August 1928-September 1932, 1 vol., September 1932-September 1934, 1 vol., December 1934-August 1936, 1 vol., September 1936-February 1938, 1 vol., March 1938-October 1939, 1 vol., October 1939-December 1941, 1 vol., June 1941-December 1945, 1 vol., January 1946-July 1948, 1 vol., damaged. May 1941-present, 1 vol.

CommUnion Roll: January 1898-March 1915, 1 vol., April 1915-December 1926, 1 vol., March 1927-September 1933, 1 vol., March 1940-September 1941, 1 vol., March 1948-March 1951, 1 vol., March 1951-July 1956, 1 vol., March 1956-December 1958, 1 vol., record held to present.

Minutes of Kirk Sessions: 1885-April 1906, 1 vol., September 1906-March 1914, 1 vol., February 1947-1961, 1 vol.

Minutes of Meetings, Management Committee: from March 1895, 1 vol., November 1919-September 1929, 1 vol., 1929-1939, 1 vol., February 1947-October 1960, 1 vol., November 1960-November 1969, 1 vol., January 1968-July 1971, 1 vol., January 1972-present, 1 vol.

Minutes of Congregational Meetings: 1926-1937, 1 vol., 1938-1944, 1 vol., to March 1961, 1 vol.

Membership Roll: October 1933-June 1934, 1 vol.

Visitor's Book: May 1948-July 1960, 1 vol., damaged.

Our Magazine, (monthly), 1930-1943, 1946-1970.

Photographs, include a portrait of Mr George McLennan, foundation Church member and office bearer, 1884-1924, group photographs of Kirk Session members, 1919, 1927, 1974, Church choir 1930, 1944.

An additional collection of miscellaneous Presbyterian records is stored under the manse; some are cyclone damaged.

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