Cultural Artefact: War Cry


24 March 1883+ Official newspaper of the Salvation Army; first printed Sydney 1883, some colonial editions issued, but a single national War Cry published from 1898. When this ceased temporarily, Melbourne and Sydney editions were issued from 1921 until a national publication was resumed in 1933.NML 1 August 1891-23 February 1892; 24 July 1897; 1 July 1899-1981 [several issues missing, 1979]. NSAL 1894-1896; 1899-1902; 1904-1915; 1919-1981. QSL 1938-1963, (impf.); 1968. VSAL ca.1890s-1981. VSL 8 February 1888-29 July 1891 (impf.). Bolton, B., Booth's Drum. The Salvation Army in Australia 1880-1980, 1980, p. 60.

Is Held By