First part fine clear weather, remainder Clowdy with squalls from the land attended with showers of rain. In the night the bend of the Hawsers of the stream Anchor Slip'd, owing to the carelessness of the person who made it fast. In the morning hove up the Anchor in the Boat and carried it out to the Southward, in heaving the Anchor out of the Boat M.r Weir Master's mate was carried overboard by the Buoy-rope and to the bottom with the anchor. Hove up the anchor by the Ship as soon as possible and found his body entangled in the Buoy rope. Moor'd the Ship with the two Bowers in 22 fathom water; the Loo Rock W.t and the Brazen Head E Saild his Majestys ship Rose. The Boats imploy'd carrying the casks ashore for Wine, and the caulkers caulking the Ships sides.