30 September 1768
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30 September 1768

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James Cook's Journal Ms 1, National Library of Australia

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30 September 1768

Week Days Month Days Winds Courses Distce in Miles Latitude in Longd in West from Greenwich Bearings at Noon
Friday 30 NE
S 1° 30' W
S 1° 30' W 97 1° 57' pr Observation   Teneriff N 2° 43' E. Distce 2621/3 leagues
The Hills on the SE Point of the Island Bonavista N 69 West. Distance from the Shore 3 leagues.

A Steady breeze and pleasant weather. At 6 am saw the Island of Bonavista / one of the Cape de Verd Islands / extending from SBE to SWBS, Distt 3 or 4 Leagues. Ranged the East side of this Island at the distance of 3 or 4 Miles from the shore, until we was were obliged to haul off to avoid a Ledge of rocks which stretched out SWBW from the body or SE Point of the Island ° leagues. Had no ground with 40 fathom a mile without this ledge. The Island of Bonavista is in extent from North to south about 5 Leagues, is of a very uneven and hilly surface, with low sandy beaches on the East side. The S.E p.t of the Island, from which I take my departure, by an observation this day at Noon lies in the Lat.d of 1° N and according to our run from Madeira in the Long.d of 21° 51' west from Greenwich and S. 21° West 260 leagues from Teneriff: drawing No. 1 and 2 represent the appearence of the East side of this Island where [***] is the SE point or the hill over it, which is high, of a round figure, and the southermost on the Island.

Concepts: fathom | range (nautical term)
Places: Boa Vista, Atlantic island | Cape Verde, Atlantic islands

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© Transcription by Paul Turnbull of National Library of Australia, Manuscript 1 page 11, 2004
Published by kind permission of the Library
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