A Steady breeze and fine pleasant weather. This afternoon by the mean of several Azimuths and the Amplitude found the Variation to be 0°.. 34' East, from which it appears that about the foregoing Noon we have cross'd the line of no variation in the Latd of 10°. 38' S and according to the following observations, in 32°. 0' West Longd from Greenwich. At 5h.. 5'.. 0" Apparent time AM the longd of the Ship, per observation of the and the Aldebaran was found to be 32°.. 0'.. 45". At 8h 17' 0" per sun and moon 32° 25' 0"; and at 9h 0' 6" - 32° 19' 0". Mean of the three is 32° 14' 55". And again at 7h 12' 52" per and , 32°.. 10'.. 4", and at 7h.. 19'.. 42" per and , 32°.. 15'.. 20"; the mean of these two is 32°.. 12'.. 42" and the mean of the Whole is 32°.. 13'.. 43" West from Greenwich which is less by a whole degree than that by account which is a considerable error to be made in five day in these low latitudes, one would think from this that we must have had a current seting to the Eas[t]ward, which is not likely that it should set againist the settled trade wind. The three first of these observations were made by Mr Green and the two last by myself.