2 November 1768
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2 November 1768

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2 November 1768

Week Days Month Days Winds Course Dist. in Miles Latd in South Longd in West from Greenwich Bearings at Noon
Wednesday 2 ESE & E SBW 132 12° 48' 32° 20'  

A Steady breeze and fine pleasant weather. This afternoon by the mean of several Azimuths and the Amplitude found the Variation to be 0°.. 34' East, from which it appears that about the foregoing Noon we have cross'd the line of no variation in the Latd of 10°. 38' S and according to the following observations, in 32°. 0' West Longd from Greenwich. At 5h.. 5'.. 0" Apparent time AM the longd of the Ship, per observation of the and the Aldebaran was found to be 32°.. 0'.. 45". At 8h 17' 0" per sun and moon 32° 25' 0"; and at 9h 0' 6" - 32° 19' 0". Mean of the three is 32° 14' 55". And again at 7h 12' 52" per and , 32°.. 10'.. 4", and at 7h.. 19'.. 42" per and , 32°.. 15'.. 20"; the mean of these two is 32°.. 12'.. 42" and the mean of the Whole is 32°.. 13'.. 43" West from Greenwich which is less by a whole degree than that by account which is a considerable error to be made in five day in these low latitudes, one would think from this that we must have had a current seting to the Eas[t]ward, which is not likely that it should set againist the settled trade wind. The three first of these observations were made by Mr Green and the two last by myself.

Natural Phenomena in South Seas Companion: line of no variation
People in South Seas Companion: Green, Charles
Places: Aldebaran, star

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© Transcription by Paul Turnbull of National Library of Australia, Manuscript 1 page 15, 2004
Published by kind permission of the Library
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