Fore and latter parts a gentle Sea breeze and clear weather, the middle calm. PM standing a long shoar for Rio De Janeiro, observed that the land on the Sea coast is high and mountainous, and the shoar forms some small Bays or Coves Wherein are sandy beaches. At 8 shortend sail, the Sugr Loaf Hill at the West entrance to Rio de Janeiro NNW distant 4 or 5 Leagues. At the same time was abreast of two small rocky Islands that liesay about 4 Miles from the shore. At 9 AM sprung up a light breeze at SE at which time we made sail for the Harbour, and set the Pinnace with a Lieut.t ^before us up to the City of Rio de Janeiro to acquaint the Vice Roy with the reasons that induced us to put in here; which was to procure Water and other refreshments; and to desire the assistance of a Pilot to bring us into proper anchoring ground. At Noon standing in for the Harbour.