29 December 1768
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On this day ...
29 December 1768

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James Cook's Journal Ms 1, National Library of Australia

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29 December 1768

Week Days Month Days Winds Courses Distce in Miles Latd in South Longd in W: from
Bearing At Noon
Thursday 29 NEterly So 4° 30' Wt 81 4°..45' 5°.. 37'  

First part Moderate breeze and Clowdy, remainder a fresh breeze and clear, PM loosed all the Reefs out and got topgt yards aCross, Variation pr Azth 1°..12'; pr ampd 1°.. 32', mean of the two 1°.. 22' East - between 9 and 10 AM took Seven sets of Observations between the Sun and Moon to find the Longitude of the Ship, each set consisting of three observations, the Mean of the Whole gave 5°.. 18'.. 34" West of Greenwich; the result of each set was as follows / Viz / 1st set - 5°.. 8', 2nd 5°.. 21': 3rd 5°..34'; 4th 5°..17'; 5th 5°.. 11'.. 45"; 6th 5°.. 19'.. 30" and the 7th 5°.. 20'.. 45" - the greatest difference between any two, /viz / between the 1st and 3rd is but 26'. and the mean of these two differs from the mean of the whole only 2'..26": this shews to what degree of accuracy these observations can be made, even by different Persons. for 4 of these were made and computed by Mr Green and the rest by myself: the Longd given by the Ship reckoning from the last observations five days ago differs only eight miles from the Observns which shews that we have not been in any currents — Soundings from 40 to 47 fm

Concepts: longitude

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© Transcription by Paul Turnbull of National Library of Australia, Manuscript 1 page 24, 2004
Published by kind permission of the Library
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