1 March 1769
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On this day ...
1 March 1769

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James Cook's Journal Ms 1, National Library of Australia

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1 March 1769

Week Days Month Days Winds Course's Distce Sail'd in Miles Latd In South Longd in Wt from Greenwich Bearings at Noon
March Wednesday 1 WBS NW N 76° Wt 52 38°..44' 111°..43' C. Horn So 60° Et Distce 660 Leags

First part fresh breeze, the remainder, moderate breezes and clear weather. The result of the forementioned Observations gives 110°..33' Wt. Longitude from Greenwich and exactly agrees with the Longitude given by the Log, from Cape Horn: this agreement of the two Longitudes after a Run of 660 leagues is surpriseing and much more then could be expected; but as it is so, it serves to prove as well as the repeted trials we have made when the weather would permit, that we have had no current that hath affected the Ship Since we came into these Seas, this must be ^ a great sign that we have been near no land of any extent, because near land are generally found currents;    it is well known that on the East side of the Continent in the North sea we meet with Currents above 100 Leagues from the Land, and even in the Middle of the Atlantic Ocean between Africa and America are always found currents, and I can see no reason why currents should not be found in this Sea Supposing a Continent or lands lay not ^ far west from us ^ as some have immagine'd, and if such lands was ever seen we cannot be far from it, as we are now 5060 Leagues West of the Coast of Chili —

Concepts: longitude
Artefacts: log (nautical)

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© Transcription by Paul Turnbull of National Library of Australia, Manuscript 1 page 39, 2004
Published by kind permission of the Library
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