Fresh gales and squally with rain the first part, the remainder fresh gales and clowdy- PM saw some men of war Birds and Egg Birds and in the Morning saw more Egg Birds and Tropic Birds. The Man of War and Tropic Birds are pretty well known but the Egg Bird / as it is call'd in the Dolphins Journals / requires some description to know it by that name. it is a small slender Bird of the Gull kind and all White, and ^ not much unlike the small white Gulls we have in England, only not so big; there are ^ also Birds in Newfoundland called Stearings that are of a the same shape and Bigness only they are of a Greyish Colour- These Birds were call'd by the Dolphins Egg Birds, on account of their being like those known by that name by Salors in the Gulph of Florida- Neither they nor the Men of War Birds are never reckoned to go very far from Land