A fresh Trade and fine pleasent Weather- At 3 PM, saw land to the westward which prov'd to be an Island of a bout 12 or 15 Leagues in Compass, is very low and intirely down'd in the Middle forming there a Large Lake into which their appear'd to be no inlet; the border of land and Reef surrounding this Lake like a wall appear'd to be of a Bow-like figure, for which reason I named it Bow Island, the South side a long which we saild was one continued low narrow beach, or Reef, like a causeway for 4 Leagues and upwards and lies EBN and WBS- The East and west ends and North side of this Island are wooded in Groves, and the firm land appear'd disjoind and like a number of Islands and very probably is so The North-West parts of the Island we only saw a Cross the Lake and not very distinct on account of its great extent: and night coming on before we had run the whole length of the Island, this discription must be imperfect and the whole Island may form a different figure to what I have here described. The East End lies in the Latitude of 18°.23' South and Longitude 141°..12' West from Greenwich
Variation 5°..38' East.
This Island is Inhabited, we not only saw smook in different parts but people also
At Noon Saw Land to the westward