The first part Clowdy and Squally with Showers of rain. the remainder Gentle Breezes and clear weather - At 4 PM the NE point of Royal Bay W½N-- Run under an easy Sail all night and had soundings from 22 to 12 f m 2 or 3 Miles from the Shore-- At 5 AM made sail for the Bay, and at 7 Anchor'd in 13 fathom.
At this time we had but very few men upon the Sick list and these had but slite complaints, the Ships compney had in general been very healthy owing in a great measure to the Sour krout, Portable Soup and Malt; the two first were serve'd to the People, the one on Beef Days and the other on Banyan Days; The Malt Wort was made of the Malt and at the discrition of the Surgeon given to every man that had the least symptoms of Scurvy upon him ^ by this Means and the Care and Vigilanc ye of M r Monkhous the Surgeon that this disease was prevented from geting a footing in the Ship- The Sour Krout the Men at first would not eate it untill I put in practice a Method I never once kn oew ^to fail with seamen. and this was to have some of it dress'd every Day for the Cabbin Table, and permitted all the Officers without exception to do the ^ make use of it and left it to the option of the Men either to take as much as they pleased or none atall; but this practice was not continued above a week before I found it necessary to put every man one on board to an Allowance - for such are the Tempers and disposissions of Seamen in general that whatever you give them out of the Common way, altho it be ever so much for their good yet it will not go down with them and you will hear nothing but murmuring gainest the ^ man that first invented it; but the Moment they see their Superiors set a vallue upon it, it becomes the finest stuff in the World, and the ^ an inventer ^an a damned honest fellow
Remarkable Occurences at Georges Island
Note, The way of reckoning the Day in Sea Journals is from Noon to Noon, but as the Most material transactions at this Island must happen in the Day time this method will be attended with ilconveniences in inserting the transactions of each Day; for this reason I shall during our stay at this Island but no longer reckon the day according to the civil account, that is to begin and end at midnight
We had no sooner come to an Anchor in Royal Bay as before Mentioned than a great number of the natives in their canoes came off to the Ship and brought with them Cocoa-nuts, &ca and these they seem'd to set a great Value upon- amongest those that came off to the Ship was an elderly Man whose Name was is Owhaa, him the Gentlemen that had been here before in the Dolphin kne ow and had often spoke of him as one that had been of service to them, this man, / together with some others / I took on board / and made much of him thinking that he might on some occasion be of use to us
As our stay at this place was not likly to be very Short, I thought it very necessary that some order should be Observe'd in Trafficing with the Natives: that such Merchantdize as we had on board for that purpose might continue to bear a proper value, and not leave it to every ones own particular fancy. which could not fail to bring on confution and quarels between us and the Natives, and wo ^uld infallible Lesen the Value of such Articles as we had to Traffic with: in d order to prevent this the following Rules were Orderd to be observed. / viz /
RULES to be observ'd by every person in or belonging to His Majestys Bark the Endevour, for the better establishing a regular and uniform Trade for Provisions, &c:a with the Inhabitants of Georges Island
1 st To endeavour by every fair means to cultivate a friendship with the Natives and to treat them with all imaginable humanity
2 d A proper person or persons will be appointed to trade with the Natives for all manner of Provisions, Fruit, and other productions of the earth; and no officer or Seaman or other person belonging to the Ship, excepting such as are so appointed, shall Trade or offer to Trade for any sort of Provisions, Fruit or other Productions of the earth, unless they have my leave so to do
3 d Every person employ'd a shore on any duty what soever is strictly to attend to the same, and if by neglect he looseth any of his Arms or working tools, or suffers them to be stole, the full Value thereof will be charge'd againest his pay, according to the Custom of the Navy in such cases- and ^ he shall recive such farther punishment as the nature of the offence may deserve
4 th The same penalty will be inflicted upon every person who is found to imbezzle, trade or offer to trade with any of the Ships ^ Stores of what nature so ever unless they
5 th No Sort of Iron, or any thing that is made of Iron, or any sort of Cloth or other usefull or necessary articles are to be given in exchange for any thing but provisions
As soon as the Ship was properly secure'd, I went on Shore accompanied by M r Banks and the other gentlemen, with a party of Men under arms, we took along with us Owhaa who took us to the place where the Dolphin water'd, and made signs to us as well as we could understand that we might occupy that ground but it happen'd not to be fit for our purpose [6]
No one of the Natives made the least opposission at our landing but came to us with all imaginable marks of friendship and submission - We afterwards made a circuit through the Woods, and then came on board - We did not find the inhabitants to be numerous and ^therefore at first imagaened that several of them had fled from their habitations upon our arrival in the Bay ^ *but MrGore & some others who had been here before observ'd that a very great revolution must have happen'd - not near the number of inhabitants a great number of houses raiz'd, har[d]ly a vestage of some to be seen, particularly what was call'd the Queens and not so much as a Hog or Fowl was to be seen - no very agreeable discovery to us of whose Ideas of plenty upon arrival at this Island / from the report of the Dolphin / was carried to the very highest pitch-