18 April 1769
James Cook's Journal: Daily Entries
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18 April 1769
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18 April 1769
Tuesday 18
Clowdy weather with some Showers of rain- This morning took as many people out of the Ship as could possibly be spar'd and set about E
recting a Fort, some were employ'd in troughing up intrenchments while others was cutting faccines Pickets &C
the natives were so far from hindering us that several of them assisted in bring[ing] the Pickets and Faccines out of the woods and seem'd quite unconcern'd at what we were about. the wood we made use on for this occation we purchased of them and we cut no tree down before we had first obtain'd their consent. [
] By this time all the Ships sails were unbent and the Armourers Forge set up to repair the Iron work &C
. Serve'd Fresh Pork to the Ship's Compney to day for the first time, this is like to be a very scarce Article with us but as to Bread fruit Cocoa-nuts and Plaintains
we have
the Natives supply us with
as much as we can distroy
Natural Phenomena in South Seas Companion:
coconut palm
Fort Venus
Voyaging Accounts
© Transcription of National Library of Australia, Manuscript 1 pages 55 - 56, 2004
Published by
kind permission of the Library
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