5 May 1769
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On this day ...
5 May 1769

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James Cook's Journal Ms 1, National Library of Australia

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5 May 1769

Friday 5th Early this morning Tootaha sent some of his people to put us in mind of our promise and these seem'd very uneasy untill we set out, which Mr Banks Dr Solander and myself ^ did about 10 oClock in the Pinnace having one of these men with us: as soon as we came to appara, the place where Toota ha resides, we saw a great number of people at the landing place near his house; one amongest them who was had a large Turband about his head and a long white Stick in his hand  drove the others from the landing place by beating them with his stick and throwing stones at them, and at the same time directed us where abouts to land; after we landed he conducted us to the chief but in this there was no order, every one crowding upon us crying out, Tyo Tootaha, that is Tootaha was our friend. We found the chief siting under the shade of a large tree with a circle of Old men round him, he made us sit down by him and immidiatly ask'd for the Ax, I then gave him one together with an upper garment made of Broad Cloth after their fashion and a Shirt; the garment he put on, but the Shirt he gave to the man who first recived us at landing who was now seated by us and the Chief seem'd desirous that we should take particular notice of him, by this time Obarea and several other Women whome we knew came and sat down by us. Tootaha did not stay long before he went away, as we thought to show himself to the people in his new dress, but he was not gone long before he return'd and took his seat again for a ^ few Minutes, then went away again as we was were told, to order something to be got for us to eat.  and at this time we gladly would have gone too being almost suffocated with the crowd that was about us-  however here we remaind for a bout 10 Minutes longer when word was brought us that the Chief wanted us, we was were then conducted to our own boat, where we found him siting a lone under the awning. he made signs to us to come into him which we did and as many with us as the boat would hold; here he order'd some Bread fruit and Cocoa-nuts to be brought of both of which we taisted -- after we had set here some time a Message was brought to the Chief who immidiatly went out of the Boat and we was were desired to follow and were conducted to a large Area or Courtyard on one side of his ^ Long House where we was were entertaind with Publick Wrestling. Tootaha seated himself at one end of the place and several of his principal men sat round him in a semicircle. We were desired to sit down here likewise but we rather chose to walk about- every thing being now ready several men enter'd the Theater, 8, 10, or 12 and some times more, these walked about in a Stooping ^ dancing posture, with their arms with their left hand upon their right breast ^ forming a large Corve with their arms and almost every moment app[l]ying their left arm bent near their bodys and with their right hand open struck with a smack their left arm and fore arm ^ [and] breast   in this manner they walk'd about untill one challeng'd a nother which was done by motion and gesture without speaking one word-  the Two Antagonist[s] would then meet and endeavour to throw seize each other by the thighs, but if that faild, they would seize each other by the hair of the head or wher ever they could and then wristle together untill by main Strength the one or the other was thrown on his Back, this was always / except once / follow'd by three hurra's from some old men who sat in the house and at the same time a nother compney of men would dance for about a Minute, the wrestlers all the time continuing their game without takeing the least Notice of any thing else. The only dexterity the wrestlers seem'd to make use of was in first seizing each other for after they had close'd it was all decided by main Strength. It would sometimes happen that neither the one nor the other could throw his antagonist  in this case they would either part by mutal consent or were parted by others. The conqueror never — exulted over the Conquer'd, neither did the Conquer'd ever repine at his ill luck.   but the whole was carried on with great good humour Notwithstanding during the Combat their countenances appear'd to express as much fury as if they had been realy in earnest — The Women seem'd in a manner wholy to be excluded from this diversion The^re were present young and old near 500 people, the women do no[t] seem to pertake of this deversion, only some few of the principal ones were present and that appear'd to be owing to us being there - After this was over we was given to understand that we were to go to dinner and were desired to follow Tootaha who led us into our own boat and soon after came a small Pig ready Roasted with some bread fruit and cocoa-nuts and here we thought ^ we were to have dine'd but Tootaha after waiting about 10 Minutes ^ in purfound silence made signs to us to put of the Boat and go a Board which we did bringing him and Tobia tomita Toobouratomita a long with us: as soon as we got on board we all dine'd on the Cheer the Chief had provided —

We soon found the good effects of having made friends with this man for it was no sooner known to the Natives that he was on board the Ship than they brought Bread fruit, Cocoa-nuts &Ca, to the Fort.

Concepts: taio (friendship) | wrestling in Maohi society
Artefacts: pinnace
Natural Phenomena in South Seas Companion: breadfruit | coconut palm
People in South Seas Companion: Purea | Solander, Daniel Carlsson | Tupura'ai Tamaita ('Lycurgus') | Tutaha ('Hercules')
Places: Fort Venus

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© Transcription by Paul Turnbull of National Library of Australia, Manuscript 1 page 61, 2004
Published by kind permission of the Library
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