26 May 1769
James Cook's Journal: Daily Entries
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26 May 1769
Friday 26
Some flying showers of rain. This morning we haled the Pinnace a Shor to examine her bottom and had the satisfaction to find that not one worm had touched it, notwithstanding she hath been in the water nearly as long as the Long-boat; this must be owing to the white Lead with which her bottom is painted, the Long-boats being pay'd with Varnish of Pine, for no other reason can be assign'd why the one should be preserv'd and the other destroy'd when they are both built on the same sort of wood and have been in equall use. from this circumstance alone the bottoms of all Boats sent into Countrys where the
Worms are ought to be painted with white lead, and the Ships supply'd with a good Stock in order to give them a new coat whenever its necessary, by this means they would be preserve'd free from these distructive vermin. The Long-boats bottom being so much destroy'd appear'd a little extraordinary as the Dolphins Launch was in the water at this very place full as long and no such thing happened to her, as the officers that were in the Dolphin say
Voyaging Accounts
© Transcription by Paul Turnbull of National Library of Australia, Manuscript 1 page 65, 2004
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