26 June 1769
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On this day ...
26 June 1769

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James Cook's Journal Ms 1, National Library of Australia

Joseph Banks's Journal

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26 June 1769

Monday 26th Very early this morning I set out in the Pinnace, accompined by Mr Banks ^ and one of ye Natives with an intent to make the Circuit of the Island in order to examine and draw a Sketch of the Coast and Harbours thereof- We proceeded to the Eastward and found the shore to trend EBS and ESE about 10 Miles ^ unguarded by any reef   About 8 oClock we landed on the district of Ohiainu and was introduced to the chief whose name was Ahio; here we found some of our old friends one of which would needs accompany us. From hence we proceeded on foot / the Boat rowing along shore sounding and met with nothing remarkable / excepting a small roaste'd Pig laying upon an Alter near to a place where lay the body or bones of a dead person / untill we arrived at Whidea a large district in which there are two chiefs Toomohinneo and Orrette, in this last chiefs district calld                         we were inform'd the Spanish Ships had Anchord, We were Shew'd the place where they pitch'd their Tents and the Brook they had water'd at ^ together with the Situation of the Ships and this was all the proof we had of Shipping having been there: this place is situate on the west side of a deep large bay of which place are two small Islands, Booarou & Taawirey on the first of which Mr Hicks made His observation of the Transit. Here the coast trends SBE and South about 4 Leagues to the bottom of the bay - before it lay reefs of corral rocks which together with the shore form several good Harbours in which are good anchorage in 20 and 24 fathom water. From                we proceeded on foot untill we found it impractical to reach the bottom of ye Bay before night without the boat which was now call'd in. Our last Indian companion endeavour'd to perswaid us to go no farther, telling us that we were going to a place where no provisions was to be got and that the People would kill him & that they were at War with Tootaha & would kill us - we made light of these reports and let him see us put balls into our guns on which he consented to accompany us.   we row'd to the bottom of the Bay where we did not arrive till after dark here in stead of find[ing] enemies we found several of our old acquaintance who were there in their canoes and appear'd to be travelers like our selves, by them we were accomodated with lodgings. At day break we got up and while the boat was geting ready, I took a walk into the Country which I found here to be a low neck of land with a chain of morasses over which they track their canoes across the Isd which may be about 2 Miles or more; this Isthmus divides the Island into two districts or Kingdoms, wholy indepentant of each other as we were told.   We were told also that the country we were now in, as well as all the country we had come from was call'd Tiarreboo Oboreanoo or Otahite Ete nua and was Subject to Tootaha, but we were now on the borders ofTiarreboo or Otahite Ete the Enimies country we had yesterday heard of - We embark'd and proceed along Shore by the direction of our pilots and landed in one of the first whennuas or districts, in the enemies country calld Annuwhe, the chiefs name Marie Tata here we were well recieved and after some delay furnish'd with a large Hog for which we gave a axe; we observ'd here that on our landing every one but the chief had their ahous stripe'd down of their Shoulders. We saw also twelve pound shott, one mark'd with the English broad Arrow, which they said had been given them by Toottero the Commander of the Spanish Ships - Among the crowd which was pretty numerous there were only two that we remembered to a Seen —

From hence Mr Banks and I proceeded on foot and sent the boat to a distant point, as these people shewed as much friendship both to us and our guides as we had any where met with. At last we arrived at the district of Oheea

  ^ Ohitepepa, Chiefs name Waheatua Earee de hi of the Kingdom of Tearraboo, situate on the Eastermost point of the large bay before mentioned along the sides of which we had till now been travilling. On the west side of the above point is Ohitypepa bay which in many respects is similar to Royal or Matavie bay and is seated in every bit as fertile a part of the Island, there are also harbours between this and the Isthmus proper and convenent for Shipping made by reefs of Corral rocks. In Ohitepepa bay is [a] river so large that we were obliged to ferry over in a Canoe, & our train which was pretty numerous, to swim - We were disire'd to stay and Sleep and was told that Waheatua would come to us, but the day being far Spent I would not stop but proceeded on foot towards the SE points of the Island & presently met with King Waheatua who was a very old man with a white beard, not at all attended by a crowd of people, we just stop'd to pay our compliments and recieve the same, than proceeded along a very fine country every part of which was cultivated, the very brooks were wall'd in to a very narrow channell and the Sea bank'd out, on every point was a Morai and and several inland all ornamented with carved work, some with the images of men standing on each others head, others with a kind of lattice work on the top of which were the figures of Birds &Ca We likewise saw a great number of large double Canoes hauld up upon the Shore, they were of different built from those we had seen and much larger and their awnings supported on carved pillors, there Sterns very high and ornamented with carving. After having tire'd our selves with walking we took to the boat and here we miss'd both our Indian guides, we had however with us one whome we knew.  the young chief Tiaree who call'd himself son of Whaeatua and seem'd to have much influance, he went with us and we rowed along shore till dark then put into a little creek not far from the SE point of the Island- here we found a deserted long house where we resolved to spend the night and began to search for something to eat, but nothing could we get; soon after came Tiaree's retinue and his double canoe in the Awning of which Mr Banks slept while I and the peepe [people] slept in the long house - in the night our first Indian guide Taoahow, joind us and came and laid down by me —

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© Transcription by Paul Turnbull of National Library of Australia, Manuscript 1 page 71, 2004
Published by kind permission of the Library
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