11 July 1769
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On this day ...
11 July 1769

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11 July 1769

Tuesday 11th I then told the Chiefs that there remaind nothing more to be done to regain their liberty but to deliver up the Arms the people had taken from the petty Officer and Corporal and these were brought on board in less than half an hour and then I sent them all a Shore, they made but a short stay with our people there before they went away and and most of the Natives with them - but they first wanted to have given us four Hogs, but these we refus'd to accept as they would take no thing for them. Thus we are likely to leave these people in disgust with our behaviour towards them, owing wholy to the folly of two of our own people for it doth not appear that the natives had any hand in inticeing ^ them away and therefore were not the first agressors,  however, it is very certain that had we not taken this step we never should have recover'd them —

The petty officer whom I sent in quest of the deserters told me that the Natives would give him no intelligence where they were nor those that went along with him but on the contrary grew very troblesome and as they were returning on board in the evening they were suddenly set Siezed upon by a number of arm'd men that had hid themselves in the woods for that purpose   this was after Tootaha had been seized upon by us so that they did this by way ^ of retaliation in order to recover their Chief.   but this method did not meet with the approbation of them all, a great many condem'd these proceedings and were for having them set at liberty, while others were for keeping them untill Toataha was release'd and the disputes went so far that they came from words to blowes and our people were several times very near being set at liberty.  but at last the party for keeping them prevail'd; but as they had still some freinds no insult was offer'd them; a little while after they brought Web and Gibson the two deserters to them as prisioners likwise but at last they agree'd that Web should be sent to inform us where the others were —

When I came to examine these two men touching the reasons that induce'd them to go away, it appear'd that an acquentence they had contracted with two Girls, and to whome they had stron[g]ly attache'd themselves was the sole reason of their attempting to Stay behind. Yesterday we weigh'd the small bower Anchor the Stock of which was so much eaten by the worms as to break in heaving ^ up and to day we hove up the best bower and found the Stock in the very same Condition. This day we got every thing off from the shore and to night everybody lays on board —

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© Transcription by Paul Turnbull of National Library of Australia, Manuscript 1 page 76, 2004
Published by kind permission of the Library
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