14 July 1769
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On this day ...
14 July 1769

Endeavour Voyage Maps

James Cook's Journal Ms 1, National Library of Australia

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14 July 1769

Friday July 14th Gentle breezes ^ at N, E. and clear weather     I have before made mention of our departure from Royal Bay on the preceeding fore-noon, and like wise that I had determined to run down to ^ Haheine and Ulietea before we stood to the southward, but haveing discover'd from the Hills of Georges Island an Island laying to the Northward, we first stood that way to take a nearer View of it. / this Island is call'd Tethuroa / at 1/2 past 5 PM it bore NBE1/2E distant 4 Leagues, the Island over Royl Bay S.E.B,E, and York Island SWBS. This Island it lies N1/2W distant 8 Leagues from point Venus it ^ and is a small low uninhabited Island and frequented by the people of Georges Island for fish with which it is said to abound - At 6 AM the Westermost part of York Island bore SE1/2S. and the b^ody of Georges Island E1/2S. Punished the two Marines, who attempted to desert from us at Georges Island, with 2 Dozn lashes each and then released them from confinement. At Noon the body of York Island bore EBS1/2S, Royal Bay So 70°. 45' Et distant 61 Miles and an Island, which we took to be Saunders Island discover'd by Capt. Wallice / call'd by the Natives Tapoamanau / bore SSWW, Latde Obd 17°.. 9' South. Saw land bearing NW1/2W which Tobia^upia calls the Island of Huaheine —

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© Transcription by Paul Turnbull of National Library of Australia, Manuscript 1 page 93, 2004
Published by kind permission of the Library
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