25 July 1769
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On this day ...
25 July 1769

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James Cook's Journal Ms 1, National Library of Australia

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25 July 1769

Tuesday 25th First part little wind, at NE in the night calm, AM a fresh breeze at WNW fair weather   At 3 P.M. Anchor'd in 22 fathom water a Muddy bottom the North Cannol open bearing NE1/2E at 5 AM a breeze sprung up at NW weigh'd and put to Sea and hauled to the Northward in order to take a View of the Island of Otaha and Bola bola.   but before I proceed farther I shall describe the Harbour we have been in. This Harbour taken in its greatest extent is capable of holding any number of Shipping in perfect security as it extends almost the whole length of this side of the Island and is defended from the sea by a reef of Coral rocks; the southermost opening in this reef or Cannell into the Harbour, which is not more than a Cables length wide / is off the eastermost point of the Island and may be known by a small woody Island which lies a little to the SE of it; between three and 4 Miles N.W. from this Island, lies two other small Island^s and in the same direction as the reef of which they are a part between these two Islands is another Cannol into the harbr that is a full 1/4 of a Mile broad; still further to the N.W are some other small Islands where I am inform'd is a nother inlet, but this I did not see, but as to the other two we enter'd the harbour by the one and came out by the other —

The principal refreshments we have got here consists in Plantains, Cocoa-nuts, some Yams and a few Hogs and fouls   this side of the Island is neither populous nor rich in produce, if compaird to Georges Island, or even Huaheine. However here are no want of refreshments for a Ship who may put in here and stay but a short time and Wood and water may be got every w[h]ere. tho the latter is not very convenient to come at —

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© Transcription by Paul Turnbull of National Library of Australia, Manuscript 1 page 97, 2004
Published by kind permission of the Library
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