I am aware that most humane men who have not experienced things of this nature will cencure my conduct in fireing upon the people in this boat nor do I my self think that the reason I had for seizing upon her will att all justify me. and had I thought that they would have made the least resistance I would not have come near them but as they did I was not to stand still and suffer either my self or those that were with me to be knocked on the head.
In the morning, as I intended to, put our three prisioners a shore and stay here the day to see what effect it might have upon the other natives; I sent an Officer ^aShore with the marines and a party of men to cut ^wood and soon after followed my self accompaned by Mr Banks Dr Soland[er] and Tobiaupia, takeing the three natives with us whome we landed on the west side of the river before mentioned; they were very unwilling to leave us pretending that they should fall into the hands of their enimies who would kill and eat them; however they at last of their own accords left us and hid themselves in some bushes. Soon after this we discover'd several bodies of the Natives marching towards us, upon which we retire'd a Cross the River and join'd the wooders and with us came the three natives we had just parted with, for we could not prevail upon them to go to their own people. We had no sooner got over the river than the others assembled on the other side to the number of 150 or 200 all arm'd. Tobia Tupia now began to parly with them and the three we had with us shew'd their every thing we had given them part of which they laid and left upon the body of the man that was killed the day before; these things seem'd t so far to convince them of our friendly intentions that one man came over to us while all the others sat down upon the sand: we every one made this man a present and the three natives that were with us likewise presented him with such things as they had got from us with which, after a short stay he retired a cross the river. I now thought proper to take every body on board to prevent any more quarrels and with us came the [three] whome we could not prevail upon to stay behind and this appear'd the more strange as the Man who came over to us was uncle to one of them. after we had return'd on board we saw them carry off the dead man but the one that was kill'd the first evening we landed remaind in the very spot they had left him