6 November 1769
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On this day ...
6 November 1769

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James Cook's Journal Ms 1, National Library of Australia

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6 November 1769

Monday 6th Moderate breezes at NNW and hazey and hazey weather with rain in the night - PM I went to a nother part of the Bay to ha^ule the sene but met with as little success as before and the Master did not get above half a Bucket full of shells with the dridges —

The Natives brought to the Ship and sold to our people, small Cockles, Clams and Mussels enough for all hands, these are found in great plenty upon the Sand banks of the River —

In the morning I sent the Long-boat to Trawl in the Bay, and an officer with the Marines and a party of men to cut wood and hale the sene, but neither the sene nor the Trawl met with any success. but the natives in some measure made up for this by bringing several baskets of dry'd or ready dress'd fish,   Altho it was none of the best I order'd it all to be bought up in order to incourage them to trade -

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© Transcription by Paul Turnbull of National Library of Australia, Manuscript 1 page 139, 2004
Published by kind permission of the Library
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