Latitude observed at Noon 36°..48'..28", the Mean of this and yesterday's observation gives 46° 48' 51/2" So the Latitude of the place of Observation and the Variation of the Compass was at this time found to be 11° 9' East - While we were making these observations two very Large ^five Canoes came along side the Ship, ^two large and three small ones in the one were 47 people, but in the others not quite so many, they were wholy strangers to us and to all appearence they came with a hostal intention, being both compleatly arm'd with Pikes, Darts, Stones, &Ca however they made no attempt and this was very probable owing to their being inform'd by some other Canoes / who at this time were along side selling fish / what sort of people they had to deal with. They Large Canoe At their first came [coming] along side they begun to sell our people some of their Arms and one Man offer'd to sale a Ha'ahow, that is a square pice of Cloth such as they wear. Lieutt Gore, who at this time was Commanding officer, sent in to the Canoe a peice of Cloth which the man had agreed to take in exchange for his, but as soon as he had got Mr Gore's Cloth in his posission he would not part with his own, but ^put off the Canoe from a long side and then shook their paddles at the People in the Ship. Upon this Mr Gore fired a Musquet at them and from what I can learn kill'd the man who tooke the Cloth - after this they soon went away. I have here inserted the account of this affair just ^as I had it from Mr Gore but I must own it did not meet with my approbation because I thought the punishment a little too severe for the Crime, and we had now been long enough acquainted with these People to know how to chastise trifling faults like this without taking away their Lives
Thursday 9th Variable light breezes and clear weather. As soon as it was day light the Natives began to bring off Mackarel and more then we well know'd what to do with, notwithstanding I orderd all they brought to be purchas'd in order to incourage them in this kind of traffick. At 8 Mr Green and I went on Shore with our Instruments to Observe the Transit of Mercury which came on at 7h [20]' [58]" Apparent time and was Observed by Mr Green only. I at this time was taking the Suns Altitude in order to Asertain the time - The Egress was observed as followes