18 November 1769
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On this day ...
18 November 1769

Endeavour Voyage Maps

James Cook's Journal Ms 1, National Library of Australia

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18 November 1769

Saturday 18th First part Strong gales at SW and SSW with havy squales, in the Morning had gentle breezes at So and SE, towards noon had whifling light airs all round the Compass -

Kept plying to windward under Close reef'd Topls untill day light AM, at which time we had got close under the Main.   and the wind coming at SE we made sail and steer'd NWBW as the land lays keeping close in shore - At 6 we pass a small Bay wherein there appear'd to Anchorage and pretty good shelter from the sea winds, at the entrence of which lies a Rock pretty high above water. 4 Miles farther to the west N. West is a very conspicuous promontory or Point of land which we got abreast of by 7 oClock It lies in the Latitude of 36°..26' So and N 48° West 9 Leagues from the north head of              Bay Point Mercury From this point the land trends W1/2 S, near one League then SSE as far as we could see. Besides the Islands laying without us we could see land round by the S.W. as far as NW. but wheather this was the Main or Islands was not possible for us at this time to determine.   the fear of looseing the Main land determined me to follow its diriction, with this View we ha^uled round the point and Steer'd to the Southward, but meeting with whifleing light airs all round the Compass we made but little progress untill noon, when we found our selves by observation in the Latd of 36°..29' So   A small Island which lies NW 4 Miles from the promontory above mentioned bore NBE distant 61/2 Miles.   being at this time about 2 Miles from the Shore. While we lay under the land two large Canoes came off to us, in one of them was were 62 people, they stay'd about us some time then began to throw stones into the Ship.   upon which I fired a Musquet ball thro' one of the boats, after this they retired ashore

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© Transcription by Paul Turnbull of National Library of Australia, Manuscript 1 page 148, 2004
Published by kind permission of the Library
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