25 November 1769
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On this day ...
25 November 1769

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James Cook's Journal Ms 1, National Library of Australia

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25 November 1769

Saturday 25th PM had fresh gales at S.W. and Squally weather. We kept standing a long shore to the NW. having ^the main land on the one side and Islands on the other, our soundings were from 26 to 12 fathom water. At half past 7 PM we Anchor'd ^in a bay in 14 fathom, in water a Sandy bottom. We had no sooner come to an Anchor then we caught between 90 and a hundred Breams, / a fish so called / this occationed my giveing this place the Name of Bream Bay   The two points which forms this Bay lie North and South ^5 Leagues from each other. the bay is every where pretty broad and between 3 and 4 Leagues deep, at the bottom of it thier appears to be a fresh water River, the north head of the Bay ^called Bream head is high land and remarkable on account of several peeked rocks rainged in order upon the top of it. It lies in the Latitude of 35°..46' So and N 41° West distant 171/2 Leags from Cape Colvill. This Bay may likewise be known by some small Islands laying before it ^call'd the Hen & Chickens one of which is pretty high and terminates at top in two peeks -

The land between Point Rodney and the north head Bream ^head Bay, which is 10 Leagues, is low and wooded in tutfs, and between the Sea and the firm land are white sand banks. we saw no inhabitants, but saw fires in the night, a proof that the Country is not uninhabited. At day light AM we left this Bay and directed our Course along shore to the northward having a gentle breeze at SBW and Clear weather. A little after sun-rise found the Variation to be 12°..42' Easterly —

At Noon our Latitude by observation was 36°..36' So the North Bream head of Bream Bay bore south distant 10 Miles, some small Islands ^ / Poor Knights / at NEBN distant 3 Leags and the northermost land in sight bore NNW, being at this time 2 Miles from the shore and in this situation had 26 fathom water. The land hereabouts is rather low and pretty well cover'd with wood and seems not ill inhabited —

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© Transcription by Paul Turnbull of National Library of Australia, Manuscript 1 page 153, 2004
Published by kind permission of the Library
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