From these Islands and the Main land trends We stand WBN. We was were here Viseted by several Canoes, and the people in them seem'd desirous of trafficking with us but at this time a breeze of wind sprung up at South. they could not keep up with the Ship and I would not wait for them. The wind did, not continue long at South before it veer'd to SW and West a light breeze. Found the Variation in the Evening to be 12°..42' Et and in the morning 13° East. Kept standing to the Westwardnorthwest and NW untill 10 AM at which time we tacked and stood in for the shore being about 5 Leagues off and in this situation had 118 fathom water - At Noon Cape Brett bore S.E. distant 13 Leagues and the westermost land in sight bore WBS; being at this time about 4 Leags from the Land - Latd in pr Observation, 34°..42' So