10 December 1769
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On this day ...
10 December 1769

Endeavour Voyage Maps

James Cook's Journal Ms 1, National Library of Australia

Joseph Banks's Journal

Sydney Parkinson's Journal

The authorised published account of Cook's Voyage by John Hawkesworth



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10 December 1769

Sunday 10th Had the winds from the western board all this Day, a gentle breeze and clear weather. In the evening found the Variation to [be] 12°..41' Et pr Azth and 12°..40' by the Amplitude. In the Morning we stood close in with the land Six ^Seven Leagues to the westward of Doubtless Bay, here the shore forms a nother ^large open Bay lying in south about 3 or 4 Leagues.    the bottom of this Bay and that of Doubtless bay cannot be far from each other being to all appearence only seperated by a low neck of land from which juts out a peninsula or headland which I have named Knockle point. WBS Six Leagues from this point and about the middle of the bay is a high mountain or hill standing upon a disart shore on which account we call'd it Mount Camel  Latd 34°..51' - Longde 186°..50'. In the entrance of this Bay it ^we had 24 and 25 fathom Water and the bottom good for anchorage; but there seems to be nothing that can induce shipping to put into it for no Country upon Earth can looke more barren than the land about this Bay doth   it is in general low ^except the mountain just mentioned and the Soil to all appearence nothing but white sand thrown up in low irregular hills lying in narrow ridges parrallel with the Shore: this ocasioned Mr Banks to give it the name it Sandy bay   The first ride behind the sea beach is partly cover'd with shrubs Plants &Ca but the second ridge hath hardly any green thing upon it which induced me to think that it lies open to the western Sea. As barren as this land appears it is not without inhabitants.   we saw a Village on the West point of the Bay side of Mount Camel and a nother on the Eastern side, besides five Canoes that were pulling off to the Ship but did not come up with us - At 9 AM we tack'd and stood to the northward - At Noon Latitude in by Observation 34°..38' So The Cavalle Isles bore SEBE distant 13 Leagues the nothern extremity of the land in sight making like an Island bore NW1/4N Distant 9 Leagues and the West point of ^Mount Camel —— bore SWBS distant 6 Leagues - Tack'd and stood in shore —

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© Transcription by Paul Turnbull of National Library of Australia, Manuscript 1 page 163, 2004
Published by kind permission of the Library
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