23 January 1770
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On this day ...
23 January 1770

Endeavour Voyage Maps

James Cook's Journal Ms 1, National Library of Australia

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23 January 1770

Tuesday 23rd PM. Winds Southerly a fresh breeze. Agreeable to what is mentioned above I took one man with me and climed up to the top of one of the hills but when I came there I was hindred from seeing up the inlet by higher hills which I could not come at for impenetrable woods, but I was abundantly recompence'd for the trouble I had in assending the hill, for from it I saw ^what I took to be the Eastern Sea and a strait or passage from it into the Western Sea a little to the Eastward of the entrance of the Inlet in which we now lay with the Ship, the ^main land which lies on the SE side of this inlet appeared to me to be a narrow ridge of very high hills and to form a part of the SW side of the Strait. The land on the opposite side seem'd to trend away East as far as the Eye could see, to the SE appear'd as oppen sea and this I took to be the Eastern. I likewise saw some Islands lying on the East side of the inlet which before I had taken to be a part of the Main land. As soon as I had decended the hill and we had refreshed our selves we set out in order to return to the Ship, and in our way pass'd through and examined the Harbours, Coves &Ca that lay behind the Islands above mentioned. In this rout we met with an ^old Village in which was were a good many houses but no body had lived in any of them lately, we likewise saw a nother that was inhabited, but the day being far spent so that we had not time to go to it but made the best our way to the Ship which we reached between 8 and 9 oClock —

In the night had much rain with Clowdy hazey weather which continued by intervils untill noon -

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© Transcription by Paul Turnbull of National Library of Australia, Manuscript 1 page 177, 2004
Published by kind permission of the Library
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