This morning I went out to the mouth of the Inlet and landed upon the West point and from the top of a pretty high hill which is there I had a view of the Coast to the NW, the farthest land I could see in that quarter was an Island about 10 Leagues off and lying pretty near the main ^and is the same as hath been before mentiond between this Island and the place where I was lay some other Islands close under the Shore which forms several Bays, wherein there appears to be safe anchorage for Shipping - one of these Bays I take to be murders Bay descover'd by Tasman
After I had set the different points &Ca we errected upon the Top of the Hill a tower or pile of stones in which we left a peice of Silver Coin, some Musquet Balls, Beeds &Ca and left flying upon it a peice of an old pendant: after this we return'd to the boat and in our way to the Ship visited some of the natives we had met with a long shore and purchas'd of them a small quantity of fish