After I had thus prepare'd the way for seting up the post we took it up to the highest part of the Island and after fixing it fast in the ground hoisted thereon the Union flag and I dignified this Inlet with the name of Queen Charlottes Sound and ^took formal posession of it and the adjacent lands in the name and for the use of his Majesty. we then drank Her Majestys hilth in a Bottle of wine and gave the empty bottle to the old man / who had attended us up the hill / with which he was highly pleased. Whilest the post was seting up we asked the old man about the Strait or passage into the Eastern Sea and he very plainly told us there was a passage and as I had some conjectors that the lands to the SW of this strait / which we are now at / was an Island and not part of a continent we questioned the old man about it who said it consisted of two Wannuaes, that is two lands or Islands that might be circumnavigated in a few days, even in four This man spoke of three lands, the two above mentioned ^which he call'd Tovy-poenammu which signifies green Talk or stone such as the[y] make their tools on, oramints &Ca and for the third he pointed to the land on the East side of the Strait this he said was a large land and that it would take up a great many moons to sail round it. or some thing to the same purpose ^ this he calld Aeheino mouwe a name m[an]y others before had call'd it by, that part which borders on the strait he calld Teira whitte - After we had done our business upon the Island we return'd on board bringing the old man a long with us who after dinner went a shore in a canoe that came to attend upon him