14 February 1770
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On this day ...
14 February 1770

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James Cook's Journal Ms 1, National Library of Australia

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14 February 1770

Wednesday 14th PM a fresh breeze sprung up at NE and we steer'd SWBW for the Southermost land we had in sight which bore from us at sun set So 74° West     At this time we found the Variation to be 15°..4' East. At 8 AM it fell Calm, at d a ^this time we had run 21 Leagues So.58° Wt sence yesterday at noon which brought us abreast of the high ^Snowey Mountain seen the day we pass'd the Strait it bearing from us NW, in this direction it lay behind a mountainous ridge of nearly the same height which riseth derectly from the Sea and runs parallel with the shore which lies NE1/2N and SW1/2S. The NE end of the ridge lies ^takes its rise but a little way inland from Cape Campbel.    These mountains are distinctly seen from both from Cape Koamaroo and Cape Pallisser —— being distant from the former SW1/2S 22 Leagues and from the latter WSW 30 — Leagues, but they are of a height sufficient to be seen at a much greater distance; by some on board they are thought to be much higher than the Pico of Teneriff which I cannot agree to, neither do I think them so high as Mount Egmont on the SW Coast of Aehei-no-mouwe founding my opinion on the sumit of the latter being almost wholy cover'd with Snow, where as it only lies upon these in patches —

At noon was ^we were in the Latitude of 42°..34' So the Southermost land we had in sight bore SW1/2W, and some low land that made like an Island lying close under the foot of the Ridge, bore NWBN, distant about 5 or 6 Leagues —

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© Transcription by Paul Turnbull of National Library of Australia, Manuscript 1 page 190, 2004
Published by kind permission of the Library
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