At day light the point above mention'd bore north distant 3 Leagues and we found that the land trended away from it SWBW as far as we could see. This point of land I have named Cape Saunders in Honour of Sr Charles, it lies in ^the / Latitude 45°..55' So Longitude 189°..4' West. / it requres no description to know it by, the Latitude and the Angle made here by the Coast will be found quite sufficient ^however there is a remarkable Saddle hill laying near the shore 3 or 4 Leagues SW of the Cape *. From one to four Leagues north of the Cape the shore seem'd to form two or three Bays wherein there appeared to ^be anchorage and Shelter from SW, westerly and NW winds. I had some thoughts of bearing up for one of these places in the morning when the wind came to SW, but the fear of looseing time and the desire ^I have had of pushing to the southward in order to see as much of the coast as possible, or if this land s[h]ould prov[e] to be an Island to get round it, prevented me. Being not far from the shore all this morning we had an oppertunity of viewing the land pretty distinctly. it is of a moderate height, full of hills which appear'd green and woody, but we saw not the least signs of Inhabitants At Noon Cape Saunders bore N 30° Wt distant 4 Leagues Latde per Log, for we had no Observation, 46°..0' So
* by which it may always be known when on that side of it.