14 March 1770
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On this day ...
14 March 1770

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14 March 1770

Wednesday 14th In the PM had a fresh gale from the Southward attended with squals. at 2 oClock it clear'd up over the land which appear'd high and Mountainous. At half past 3 double reef'd the Topsails and haul'd in for a Bay wherein there appear'd to be good anchorage ^and into which I had thoughts of going with the Ship   but after standing in an hour we found the distance too great to run before dark and it blowed too hard to attempt it in the night or even to keep to windward     for these reasons we gave it up and bore away aLong shore. This Bay ^I have named duskey Bay it lies in in the Latitude of 45°..47' So   it is about 3 or 4 Miles broad at the entrance and seems to be full as deep, in which there ^it are several Islands behind which there must be shelter from all winds provided there is a sufficient depth of water. The north point of this bay when it bears SEBS is very remarkable there being off it five ^high peaked rocks ^standing up like the four fingers and thum of a mans hand on which account I have named it Point five fingers          the land of this point ^is farther remarkable and by being the only level land near it and extend near two leagues to the northward   it is pretty high, wholy cover'd with wood and hath very much the appearence of an Island by its aspect being so very different from the land behind it which is nothing but barren rocky mountains —

At sun set the Southermost land in sight bore due south distant 5 or 6 Leagues and as this is the westermost point of land upon the whole Coast I have call'd it West Cape   it lies about three leagues to the southward of the Bay above mentioned in the Latitude of 45°..54' So and in the Longitude 193°..17' West -   the land of this Cape seems to be of a moderate height next the sea and hath nothing remarkable about it that we could see except a very white Clift two or three leagues to the southward of it.    the land to the southward of Cape West trends away towards the SE, to the northward of it it trends NNE and NE - At 7 oClock brought the Ship too under the fore sail ^with her head off shore having a fresh gale at SBE - At Midnight it moderated and we wore and lay her head in shore untill 4 AM then made sail and steerd along shore NE 1/2N having a moderate breeze at SSE. At Noon was ^we were by obsern in the Latde 45°..13' So Course and distance saild since yesterday N. 41° Et 62 Miles, Longde made from Cape West 0°..29' East being at this time about 11/2 league from shore   sounded but had no ground with 70 fms of line. A little before noon we pass'd a small ^narrow opening in the land where there appear'd to be a very snug harbour form'd by an Island lying in the middle of the opening at least such was the appearences - it lies in the Latde of 45°.. 16' So — In land behind this opening were mountains the summits of which were cover'd with snow that seem'd to have fallen lately and this is not to be wonder'd at for we have found it very cold for these 2 days past —

The Land on each side of the entrance of this harbour riseth almost perpendicular from the Sea to a very considerable height and this was the reason why I did not attempt to go in with the Ship because I saw clearly that no winds could ^b[l]ow there but what was either right in or right out.   this is Westerly or Easterly, and it certainly would have been highly imprudent in me to have put into aplace where we could not have got out but with a wind that we have lately found does not blow one day in amonth: I mention this because there were some on board that wanted me to harbour at any rate without in the least considering ^either the present or future the concequences —

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© Transcription by Paul Turnbull of National Library of Australia, Manuscript 1 page 200, 2004
Published by kind permission of the Library
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