23 March 1770
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On this day ...
23 March 1770

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23 March 1770

Friday 23rd Light airs from the southward, at intervals Calm, the fore part hazey, the remainder clear pleasent weather. At Noon our Latitude by observation was 40°..36'..30" So Longitude from Cape West 6°..52'' East - the ^Eastermost point of land ^in sight which lies to the West of Queen Charlottes Sound bore Et 10° North distant 7 Leagues and a bluff head or point, we was were abreast off yesterday at noon, off which lay some rocks above water, bore So 18° West distant 6 Leagues; this point I have named Rocks point       Latitude 40°..55' South —

Having now nearly run down the whole of this NW Coast Tovy poenammu it is time I should describe the face of the Country as it hath at different times appeard to us. I have mentioned on the 11 Instant at which time we were off the Southern part of the Island, that the land seen then was Ruged and Mountainous and there is great reason to beleive that the same ridge of Mountains extends nearly the whole length of the Island - From between the Westermost land seen that day and the Eastermost seen on the 13th there is a space of about 6 or 8 Leagues of the Sea Coast unexplored but the mountains inland were Visible enough. The land near the Shore about Cape West is rather low and riseth with a gradual assent up to the foot of the mountains and appear'd to be mostly cover'd with Wood - from Point five fingers down ^to the Latitude of 44°..20' there is a narrow ridge of hills rising diri[c]tly from the sea which were ^are cloathed with wood. Close behind these hills lies the ridge of Mountains which are of a prodigious height and appear to consist of nothing but barren rocks, cover'd in many places with large patches of snow which perhaps have lain their sence the creation      no country upon earth can appear with a more ruged and barren aspect than this doth from the sea for as far inland as the eye can reach nothing is to be seen but the sumits of these rocky mountains which seem to lay so near one another as not to admit any Vallies between them —

From the Latitude of 44°..20' to the Latitude 42° 8' these mountains lay farther inland,    the Country between them and the Sea consists of woody hills and Vallies and of various extent both for height and depth and hath much the appearance of fertility     many of the Vallies are large low and flat and appeard to be wholy cover'd with Wood but it is very probable that great part of the land is taken up in Laks Ponds &Ca as is very common in such like places      From the last mentioned Latitude to Cape Farewell, / afterwards so call'd / the Land is not distinguished by anything remarkable     it riseth into hills directly from the sea and is cover'd with wood. While we was were upon this part of the coast the weather was foggy in so much that we could see but a very little way in land.   however we sometimes saw the summits of the Mountains above the fogg and clowds which plainly shew'd that the inland parts were high and Mountainous and gave me great reason to think that thier is a continued chain of Mountains from the one End of the Island to the other —

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© Transcription by Paul Turnbull of National Library of Australia, Manuscript 1 page 203, 2004
Published by kind permission of the Library
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