we sounded and had 33 fathom water about 2 Miles without this last Island. At 8 oClock we brought too untill 10 at which time we made sail under our topsails having the advantage of the Moon we steerd along shore North and. NBE keeping at the distance of about 3 Leagues from the land having from 30 to 25 fathom water, as soon as it was day light we made all the sail we could having the advantage of a fresh gale and fine weather. At 9 oClock being about a League from the land we saw upon it People and smook in several places. At Noon we were by observation in the Latitude of 28°..39' So and Longitude 206°..27'. Course and distance saild sence yesterday at noon North 6°..45' East 104 Miles - A tolerable high point of land bore NWBW distant 3 Miles - this point I named Cape Byron / Latitude 28°..37'..30" So Longitude 206°..30' West / it may be known by a remar[k]able sharp peaked Mountain Iying inland NWBW from it. from this point the land trends N. 13° Wt inland it is pretty high and hilly but near the shore it is low - to the southward of the point the land is low and tolerable level