1 June 1770
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On this day ...
1 June 1770

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James Cook's Journal Ms 1, National Library of Australia

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1 June 1770

Friday June 1st At 1/2 an hour after noon upon the boat, which we had ahead sounding; makeing the Signal for Shoal water we hauld our wind to the NE having at that time 7 fathom, the next cast 5 and than 3 upon which we let go an Anchor and brought the Ship up. the NW point of Thirsty Sound or Pier head   bore SE distant 6 Leagues being mid way between the the Islands which lies off the East point of the western Inlet and three Small Islands laying directly without them - ^it being now the first of the flood which we found to Set SEBE1/2E  NWBW1/2W After having sounded about the Shoal on which we found not quite 3 fathom but without it deep water we got under sail and hauld round the three Islands just mentioned and came too an Anchor under the lee of them in 15 fathom water having at this time dark hazy rainy weather which continued untill 7 o'Clock AM   At which time we got again under sail ^and Stood to the NW with a fresh breeze at SSE and fair weather having the Main land in sight and a number of Islands all round us some of which lay out at Sea as far as we could see - the Western Inlet before mentioned we had now all open known in the Chart by the name of Broad Sound _______ _____ we had now all open,    it is at least 9 or 10 Leagues wide at the Entrance with several Islands laying in and before it and I beleive shoals also for we had very erregular soundings from 10 to 5 and 4 fathom — At Noon we were by observation in the Latitude of 21°..29' So and Longitude made from C. Townshend 59' West. A Point of Land which forms the NW entrance into Broad Sound bore from us at this time North ^west by North dist 3 Leagues. This Point I have ^nam'd Cape Palmerston / Latitude 21°..27' Longde 210°..57' / Between this Cape and C. Townshend lies the Bay of Inlets, ——— so named from the Number of Inlets Creeks &Ca in it —————————————————————————

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© Transcription by Paul Turnbull of National Library of Australia, Manuscript 1 page 248, 2004
Published by kind permission of the Library
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