24 June 1770
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On this day ...
24 June 1770

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James Cook's Journal Ms 1, National Library of Australia

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24 June 1770

Sunday 24th Winds and weather as yesterday —

In the PM the Carpenters finish'd the Starboard side and at 9 oClock heel'd the Ship the other way and hauld her off about 2 feet for fear of neeping   In the AM they went to work upon repairing the sheathing under the larboard bow - where we found two planks cut about half thro' - early in the morning I sent a party of men into the Country under the direction of Mr Gore to seek for refreshments   they returnd about noon with a few Palm Cabbages and a Bunch or 2 of wild Plantains.  these last were much smaller than any I had ever seen and the Pulp full of small stones otherwise they were well taisted. I saw my self this morning a little way from the ship one of the Animals before spoke off, it was ^of a light Mouse colour and the full size of a grey hound and shaped in every respect like one with a long tail which it carried like a grey hound in short I should have taken it for a wolf or wild dog, but for its walking or runing in which it jump'd like a Hare or a dear   another of them was seen ^to day by some of our people who saw the first, they describe them as having very small legs and the print of the foot like that of a goat but this I could not see my self because the ground the one I saw was upon was too hard and the length of the grass hinderd my seeing its legs —

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© Transcription by Paul Turnbull of National Library of Australia, Manuscript 1 page 260, 2004
Published by kind permission of the Library
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